
Sat May 10, 2014 8:05 pm

Well lads, went out for my first time on a charter boat today. I would love to say that I had a dream of a time, but it was more like a nightmare. Within five minutes of anchoring I was extremely seasick and that is the way the day played out. Could not even fish. Anyone got any suggestions or home remedies to combat this. It would have to be a good one, as I have a new found love for the land:)

Re: Seasickness

Sat May 10, 2014 8:07 pm

Ginger biscuits

Re: Seasickness

Sat May 10, 2014 8:46 pm

mine is a good Irish breakfast, 2 sea legs tablets and a hip flask of brandy ...Works for me !

Re: Seasickness

Sat May 10, 2014 10:58 pm

Keeping my head up and focusing on the horizon keeps me from loosing my breakfast,

Failing that tho, a couple of sturgeon tablets an hour or so before i head out and a near constant supply of food whilst out keeps me in top form.....

Re: Seasickness

Sun May 11, 2014 12:11 am

3 bars of cadburys dairy milk chocolate . Totally useless for seasickness but at least when you do barf it tastes better

Re: Seasickness

Sun May 11, 2014 12:52 pm

I spent many years at sea ant to be honest I still feel sick now and then, the most important thing is to keep your head up , dont look down at the deck , because youll be sick in a couple of minutes, ginger is the best you can get ginger tabs in the chemist about a fiver, also the sea sickness tablets work very well and try to have a big fry up before you go out , it helps big time believe me, most of all stick with it and you WILL get over it.

Re: Seasickness

Sun May 11, 2014 1:06 pm

kwells sea sickness tablets work very well

Re: Seasickness

Sun May 11, 2014 8:29 pm

oh Man,it took me minimum 3 trips to find what is kind of "right" for me kwells didn't worked stugeron is ok but I am about 115kg so I would take 2 tablets night before the trip and 2-3 first thing in the morning but you must be Real fan of boat fishing because all the tablets give you very dry mouth ,you cant drive the car because of the dizziness and after all this I still puke at least once sometimes.Last advice no alcohol before and after fishing,this is bad mix with medication !hope this helps

Re: Seasickness

Sun May 11, 2014 11:58 pm

My 1st time out I was in bits as the boat cleared the harbour. Since then I take sea sickness tablets (stemital) the day before and 1st thing in the morning. Never had a problem after that.

Sent from my Nokia 5110 using carrier pigeons.

Re: Seasickness

Mon May 12, 2014 8:18 am

We use Travel Calm tablets available behind the counter from Boots, try to sip water or flat cola can be good, but the big one is alcohol in moderation the night before !!

Re: Seasickness

Mon May 12, 2014 10:09 am

I spent many years at sea ant to be honest I still feel sick now and then, the most important thing is to keep your head up , dont look down at the deck , because youll be sick in a couple of minutes, ginger is the best you can get ginger tabs in the chemist about a fiver, also the sea sickness tablets work very well and try to have a big fry up before you go out , it helps big time believe me, most of all stick with it and you WILL get over it.

I spent a couple of years at sea myself and kieranring is absolutely spot on, good advice.

Re: Seasickness

Mon May 12, 2014 12:26 pm

Make sure you have no alcahol

Re: Seasickness

Fri May 16, 2014 3:57 pm

you can also get magnetic bracelets in the chemist, about 10/15 euro, they work on the pressure points on the wrist, these work very well for some people, Eddie.......

Re: Seasickness

Fri May 16, 2014 5:05 pm

originalsin wrote:Keeping my head up and focusing on the horizon keeps me from loosing my breakfast,

Failing that tho, a couple of sturgeon tablets an hour or so before i head out and a near constant supply of food whilst out keeps me in top form.....

i'd go with this advice too. be conscious of the fact that the horizon isnt moving i.e. keep your wits about you
i heard that once you have been sick once, maybe twice, then you will find your sea legs..
kwells tablets are a good back-up too

i went fishing in australia and we all paid over £100 each for the privilege.. to try for a marlin
a young english fella joined us and was green the whole trip, he couldnt fish. no refund :mrgreen:
1 fish caught all day. i got it. a 5lb spanish mackerel. poooor :oops: lesson learnt..

Re: Seasickness

Sat May 17, 2014 12:35 pm

dezzer wrote:you can also get magnetic bracelets in the chemist, about 10/15 euro, they work on the pressure points on the wrist, these work very well for some people, Eddie.......

They'd have a placebic effect (ie none for me, but I'm a sceptic :) ) ... 23183.html

I'd go with Kieran Ring's advice, and would avoid drink the day before!

Re: Seasickness

Tue May 20, 2014 3:31 pm

I have now thrown up in some of the most exotic oceans in the world, but despite this I love boat fishing as a change from the shore. Tried all the usual stuff (Stugerons etc) but along with these a pack of strong mints to keep the mouth moist helps a lot. Apart from that perseverance is the best cure, and pick your days to go out.

Re: Seasickness

Tue May 20, 2014 10:12 pm

The only cure for sea sickness is to hug a tree!

Re: Seasickness

Wed May 21, 2014 12:10 am

O the good old tree hugging joke, so original but done to death at this stage, wish these clever guys would come up with something useful occasionally. Try scopoderm patches and ginger. The ginger is available in a crystalised form and together I have found very helpful. It's not all bad though, apparently you will enjoy higher testosterone levels :lol:

Re: Seasickness

Fri May 23, 2014 9:05 pm

before you leave the house have jam sambos. when your at sea have bananas. so if you get sick getting on the boat it tastes like jam and if you get sick again it tastes like bananas. and never eat chrisps. they scratch on the way up. but jokin aside never go into the wheel house always look at the mainland if you can , stay away from engine smoke and keep your head up and in to the wind. the tablets work too so its worth getting them. especially if its your turn to make the rubby dubby.

Re: Seasickness

Fri May 23, 2014 9:37 pm

Try get out in the local hire boats for a couple of hours at a time during the season and get yourself used to the boat movement in various conditions you might get some sea legs this way but if not you can come in early and suit yourself, if in a charter you have to sit it out for the duration. I remember you first posting this thread and if i remember correctly it was during a rough spell of weather not the best of conditions for your first charter trip. The day before on the friday some mates had a trip cancelled due to the poor weather conditions. just out of interest where did you go out of ?