1 - Helvic Head A bit of a walk down from the road to the next
mark, this marks offers standard rock fishing over very foul ground.
& Techniques: Spinning and float fishing will produce Mackerel and
Garfish in summer, with Wrasse, Pollack and Coalfish also available.
Bottom fish for Conger and a Bull Huss. There is also a mark to the
right of the Harbour that will produce Bass an hour either side of high
water if you are up for a bit of scrambling over the rocks...
2 - Helvic Pier
The road up Helvick Head terminates at the pier
and this mark offers sheltered fishing when other marks are too windy or
wet - that happens even in the sunny south-east! Species
& Techniques: Spinning and float fishing will produce Mackerel and
Garfish in summer, with Mullet taken outside the harbour sea wall (rarely
inside the harbour itself).
Bottom fishing will find relatively small Conger under the pier walls (at
night), Flatfish, Codling and Whiting recorded on cold winter nights and
finally you could lucky and catch the odd Bass or Ray, both of which are
reported caught here. Got to the end of the pier and fish at 45
degress at the end off the steps... and thanks to DrSeaFish off the
forum for his expertise. November 2003.
3 - Cunnigar Spit The road stops a long way short of this excellent
mark but the walk can be worth it! Fishes best at high water. Species
& Techniques: Spinning off the extreme point will take Bass in the
channel, with Flatfish the main reason for the walk.
4 - The Railway Bridge A tricky enough place to find and only accessible
on foot, the bridge offers good fishing at high water, but mind the trains! Species
& Techniques: Spinning will take Bass in the channel, with
Flatfish the main reason for being there.
4 b - The Fever Hospital
Our thanks to DrSeaFish off the forum for this. Opposite the Park Hotel on
the far side of the estuary is an old stone building known locally as the
hospital. I think it operates as a B&B. DrSeaFish says few
people fish this mark and that it does throw up specimen flounders for the
brave pioneer. Species
& Techniques: Bottom fishing over slightly snaggy ground will
take Flounder on most baits with peeler crab the prime selections. Fishes
on an incoming tide in daylight, with access from the far side of the hospital.
5 - Ballinacourty Pier Right across on the other side of the estuary from Dungarvan, this small pier is
rather exposed in any wind and adjacent to the local golf course and hotel.
There is a car park alongside for easy access. It works best on the flood
and up to high water. Species
& Techniques: Spinning off the pier and rocks behind the golf
course will take Bass, but most anlgers bottom fish for Flatfish, Bass and
Dogfish into the main channel behind the pier. We have also been told of
the odd Ray here, again with thanks to DrSeaFish...
6 - Clonea Strand
A lovely spot and next to several golf courses
and excellent hotels, this is a popular fishing mark, even if there are
better marks elsewhere. It is very popular with holiday makers in the
summer so fishing it during the day is impossible. Stick to the rocky
coves and outcrops for the
best fishing. Species
& Techniques: Surf fishing will produce Bass, Dabs, Flounder and
the odd smallish Plaice, maybe a Ray in summer. There have been
precious few Bass taken off the strand in recent years.
7 - around Stradbally Driving along the coast road from Clonea you will
find yourself faced with a superb choice of marks. It starts with the
beach below Stradbally and moves on to the Dalligan river estuary, with
access being a decent walk along the beach. Moderate
to good surf conditions with an offshore wind is ideal - judge it by the
colour of the water - if it is gin clear, then you should probably wait
for another day! Species
& Techniques: Surf fishing will produce Bass, Dabs, Flounder and
the odd Dogfish... and the Dalligan is remarkably shallow so you can wade
1 - Bunmahon & Annestown
Beaches, Kilmurrin
It is a bit further west of Waterford City than might appear on the
diagram but do not let this deter you. There are several marks here,
including a really beautiful cove (popular with surfers due to the
massive surf) alongside the road between Bunmahon and Annestown named
Kilmurrin, not to
mention Annestown itself, another wonderfully sheltered (in any wind) mark
nestled between two rocky headlands that just screams "Bass on Peeler
Crab" at you! Off Bunmahon itself, specimen Ray and Flounder
have been recorded. Species
& Techniques: Surf and bottom fishing is usually done for Bass,
Flatfish, Dogfish, with Thornback Rays in summer and Codling possible in winter.
In Kilmurrin and Annestown there is the possibility of fishing off rocks
and islands accessible at low water into rocky ground for Wrasse on the
float, with Mackerel and Pollack in Summer, and Coalfish, the odd huss and
Conger Eels all year round. A head for heights is essential and the
grass is slippery, wet or dry. March 2004.
10 - Kilfarrasy Beach
Just outside the village of Fenor on the coast road from Tramore heading
west, there is a delightful cove, bounded by rocks on either side with an
island out the front. The signpost on the slip road lists Flatfish,
Dogfish, Bass and Codling as possible species. Species
& Techniques: Given the terrain I think Bass are a definite
target either in the surf or to spinners but a local recommended that it
only fishes well at night. He also recommended lugworm as the top
bait. The beach is also used for competitions on occassion.
The mixed ground would suggest Codling and Whiting and it looks like the
beach offers access to relatively deep water in the depression between the
rock shoulders and the island further out. A small stream empties
out over the beach so flounder may be common.
2 - Westtown Rocks
This is a popular spot for bathing so make sure
not to interfere with swimmers or leave tackle behind you. By law
the swimmers get precedence so don't argue! Bottom turns to sand beyond the rocky margin but no
reports of Bass or Flatfish. Donagh Molloy adds that he has seen large
shoals of mullet snuffing around in the shingle bottom just past the sand
margin around Westtown Rocks. Species
& Techniques: Spinning and float fishing will find Mackerel and
Pollack, with Wrasse plentiful although to no great size, mostly under 500
grams with the odd one up to 1 kilo - not an
often used mark. December 2003.
3 - Tramore Strand Right on the sea front past the amusement park
and arcades, you have the vast Tramore Strand. It fishes best in a moderate to
strong surf, perferable after dark, and ideally outside summer when it is very popular with holidaying
families - you will not get a minute's peace on a sunny day. It tends to fish
best at high or low water but not in between, and best on evening or night
tides. A popular mark. There are several mini-marks or hotspots on
this vast beach, one beyond the town called the "Slipway" for obvious
reasons, one called the "White Pole" for equally obvious reasons, at
the the dune end, there is a series of deep gullies in the beach that look
certain to hold fish on a flood tide. Species
& Techniques: Surf fishing will take Bass (often large fish), with
Flatfish supporting their predatory neighbours. Sea-Trout were once a
common by-catch, but mostly at the dune end, opposite Saleens... Spinning
with white eddystone eels and silver spinners has also accounted for bass and
3b - Tramore Back Strand Most people associate the Back Strand, in
particular the section behind the dump, with bait. Lugworm, Ragworm and
Clams are certainly plentiful, if lacking substantial size. A strong feature is a breakwater that runs almost
completely across the entire flats. This can be accessed from the car park
and you can walk the length of it in anything except a spring tide. Species
& Techniques: Mullet are often found in the channel or pool left
at low water. These can be taken on the float and also through bottom fishing,
which will equally put you in contact with rafts of Flounder. Forget
about Bass however except possibly, just possibly, on a flooding tide.
4 - Saleens The name comes from the big salt marsh inside the
natural breakwater, and this mark, at the far end of Tramore Strand is
thankfully accessible by road from outside Tramore and has a decent car park. Its main benefit
is that it fishes at all stages of the tide, although the top or very bottom is
preferred, ideally after dark. The current is ferocious, with 6 oz grip
leads being swept aside. Species
& Techniques: Spinning will take Bass and Sea-Trout in the channel,
with Mullet also taken on the float. Bottom fishing will take Bass and Flounder. There are little or no Plaice reported and
do pay attention to the signs indicating shifting sands and strong currents...
bait collectors must pay attention to the speed at which the sea come in over
these flats. You have to use crab as bait - forget everything else bar
the spinners.
5 - Rathmoyland Cove A little known and rarely fished mark, on the one
day I got there, kitted out and ready to go, it blew a howling gale and I
thought the better of it. Species
& Techniques: Spinning off the rocks at the point to the east will
produce Pollack, with Wrasse on the float and Mackerel in season. Bottom
fishing onto sand will take the odd Bass (often big solitary creatures), lots
of Flounder and some Dogfish.
6 - Dunmore East A name synonymous with fishing in Ireland, and
once a key commercial fishing port, the charter boats now bring anglers
out to marks in the Harbour itself and further afield out around the Saltee
Islands. Species
& Techniques: You can bottom fish from either pier but recently
there has been little caught apart from small Flatfish and lots of crabs! Float
fishing will take Mullet and Mackerel in season. A better mark is
the flat rocks just past the harbour heading west. There is a small
informal car park and worn paths down to rock platforms offering deep
water access over very foul ground. Spinning will take Mackerel and Pollack. Wrasse will fall to float fished worms.
Locally it is well known and can get crowded when the Mackerel are
"in"! On a recent visit (October 2003) I had wrasse under my
feet to 1.5 kilos, with the average far smaller, a strap Conger Eel on a
float fished rig (!) and a fine Plaice and small Dab from off the sand at
distance, all on fresh lugworm dug from the beach at Duncannon,
Wexford. Lines of lobster pots are a particular casting hazard.
7 - Woodstown
Strand An enormous beach running for miles along the
western shore of the harbour, it needs moderate to good surf conditions
and only fishes two hours either side of high water. Access is from the
main road to Dunmore East, and a seaside car park is found close to a
small fresh water stream. Walk as far as you can north, to the left
of the stream. Species
& Techniques: Surf fishing will produce Bass, Dabs, Sole (small
hooks required) Flounder and the odd Dogfish. Last year it accounted
for big bags of Codling, but distance casting was required as it is a big
(are you a horizon casting monster?) shallow beach. A mini-mark is
the headland covered by the woods... you can find the tracks from the
southern access point. Bass reported.
8 - Passage East If you take the ferry across to Wexford then you
will begin to see why this is such an excellent mark - it gives immediate
access to very deep water and a bit like the Shannon Estuary, you can be
surprised by how far inland salt water species are taken (often very
unusual ones). Species
& Techniques: Recent changes in the channel have altered the
fishing patterns and swept away most of the muddy mussel beds on which ragworm
could be dug. You need to venture out at low tide to get some and
watch the channel filling very fast. Bottom fishing
no long produces Bass (except at the rocks at the end of the beach towards
the south) but there is still Flatfish and Dogfish available two hours either side of high
water. Codling and Whiting can be taken in the channel and Coalfish
are also taken. Grip leads essential and only on slack water. Mackerel can be caught on feathers
during the summer. The seal population has exploded and they will
drive away all fish but they tend to stay in the main channel; - south of
the pier, bottom fishing has produced Gurnard and even Wrasse!
Try baits other than the local ragworm however since I found lugworm dug at Duncannon in Wexford very
effective. February 2004
9 - Cheekpoint A matter of a few kilometres down the road from Waterford
City and yet often deserted, this corner mark is readily accessibly by car
(parking is limited but there is some around the harbour) and it provides an excellent high water and sheltered fishing mark. You can fish
into the channel marked by the big green and red buoys from the harbour
but the current is severe. There are no Bass left here but there are
plenty of small to medium sized Flatfish. Whiting and Codling often
run up the estuary and will feed during the day thanks to the permanently
muddy water. The
best option is to walk down (to the right of the harbour) and fish from
under the trees on the foreshore off the point. A shingle beach can
also be accessed from above the harbour Species
& Techniques: Bottom fishing will produce the odd Bass, Flatfish
and Dogfish. In winter fishing this mark with lug / rag is known
to produce Codling, Whiting and Coalfish. Freshwater Eels are common
here and will often take sandeels presented on long traces. January