Ban on Advertising - please read

Sun Feb 05, 2006 3:05 am


Unfortunately some people have taken extreme liberties with posting on the site recently explciitly advertising for business. Now I appreciate that anglers, in particular boat owners, have need of good commercial services across a wide range of areas, and I have no problem with service providers offering advice and through interaction with members gaining a reputation, but I do have a problem with the explicit advertising that has become a feature on boat related threads...

so, from now on, explicit advertising will not be permitted - this is and remains a not-for-profit website: I've never sought a penny from it and I do not want the existing excellent community ethos tarnished by a host of adverts... we've had a few sponsors for competitions and such like for the club, not the site, but this site despite its obvious commercial potential has never ventured into paid for advertising and that remains our policy.

People can contact me if they wish to offer a prize in competition or some form of sponsorship, not a problem, but advertising will not be permitted.

People can communicate their particular recommendation on a specific topic by PM, private message, but from a legal standpoint the website can not be seen to be promoting a particular product, service or business.

Some of you will have to amend your signature blocks.
Please do this and we'll have no further quibble. If you do not, you will be deleted and the IP address of your computer blocked. No exceptions.

Explicit references to specific business should not be included in threads - you can use PMs to send information. This is the policy on lots of bigger commercial sea angling websites and I think this preventative measure is necessary now to protect the quality of the bulletin boards here, in the same way we had to move to member registration for posting to prevent "drive by postings".

As I say, if you run a business that delivers services to anglers I am happy to see you post useful information here, and thereby generate a good reputation and presumably business for yourself, we will even add in a link to your website free of charge as we do for all the charter skippers, but no more explicit advertising will be permitted on the boards.

Trusting that all the members, new and old, both understand and approve of this necessary preventative measure...


Re: Ban on Advertising - please read

Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:20 pm

Just a little reminder on the above. Some of you will need to amend your signatures.


Re: Ban on Advertising - please read

Mon Feb 13, 2012 12:37 pm

Could you please read Kieran's post above - some of you need to amend your signature

Last bumped by jd on Mon Feb 13, 2012 12:37 pm.