LSAC Boat Competition - Rush, Co. Dublin - 02.08.2020

Sun Aug 02, 2020 6:52 pm

When: 02/08/2020
Where: Launching from Rush, Co. Dublin
Who: Myself, my uncle Ken and his friend Dave.
Duration: 08:00-14:00
High Water: 11:12
Equipment: 7.5ft Shakespeare Ugly Stik 2 30/50lb
Bait/Rig: 3 hook mackerel basher rig with size 1/0 hooks and 12oz lead for the mackerel and a 10/0 meat hook 250lb mono tope trace with a 12oz lead.
Conditions: bit choppy at the start but got better as day went on, cracking sunshine!
My Result: 1 Whiting, 1 Dogfish, 37 Mackerel
Kens Result: 4 Dogfish, 5 Mackerel
Daves Result: 1 Whiting, 1 Pollock, 48 Mackerel

We started out the day by heading straight to Lambay to feather for mackerel at the burren rocks, and almost straight away we were onto a shoal, full houses nearly every drop! We spent a good hour or so gathering mackerel for bait before motoring over to the Portrane towers to anchor and try for tope & bullhuss. All we managed to get here was dogfish but we did see another boat get a tope which was nice to see. After fishing here for about 1.5hrs we pulled up anchor and headed back to Lambay for more mackerel to finish the day off, we got loads more and I got my whiting, Dave got his pan sized pollock and we headed home with our bounties. All in all a fantastic day of fishing! I ended up coming last in the comp and Ken second last with the extra dogs but that's ok as I am still only a newcomer :lol: We'll probably try for ray next time.

I'll have a video to add here later!

Re: LSAC Boat Competition - Rush, Co. Dublin - 02.08.2020

Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:58 pm