Collecting crabs

Sun Oct 27, 2013 2:14 pm

Im going to try find a few peeler crabs for bait next time i go fishing. Ive never done this before. Has anyone got tipes on where i might find them (im not looking for locations i mean things like rocks , weeds , beaches , etc). Should the crab be killed wen it is found or when its just ready to go on the hook

Re: Collecting crabs

Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:22 pm

lad123 wrote:Im going to try find a few peeler crabs for bait next time i go fishing. Ive never done this before. Has anyone got tipes on where i might find them (im not looking for locations i mean things like rocks , weeds , beaches , etc). Should the crab be killed wen it is found or when its just ready to go on the hook

areas where there is mud in estuarys or alot of kelp around rock marks when the tide kicks back check under weed and rocks always put the rocks back the way you found them so theres a chance they can be got there again

Re: Collecting crabs

Mon Oct 28, 2013 10:45 am

lad123 wrote:. Should the crab be killed wen it is found or when its just ready to go on the hook
only kill the crab just as you are ready to use it dead crab are not much good unless they were frozen while alive

Re: Collecting crabs

Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:52 am

Crab is a great bait from the shore. When collecting them, if you are moving any rocks, always place the rocks back the same way you found them. I'm forever moving rocks back to their original position that other anglers have just left. It's very important. If you turn a rock with weed on it and not put it back then the weed, which is now under the rock, will die and rot. Nothing will live under that rock in that condition. A perfectly good refuge for crab will be lost. If this is repeated over a large area then the entire population of crab in that area could be effected. The result is no crab and therefore, no bait. I'm not suggesting for a second that you're the type of person who would do this, I'm just passing on some information. Enjoy your fishing.

Re: Collecting crabs

Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:54 am

well said couldn't agree more with above.

Re: Collecting crabs

Sun Nov 03, 2013 12:32 pm

if you do find crab,try not to let others see what your doing!
i've seen areas where there was an abundance of large peeler,bang on the peel right on que and now you'd be lucky to find 'em bigger than a fifty cent now...its mad how many anglers that do care for the conservation of their favourite catch but willingly decimate without a care in the world crab hotspots/lug and rag beds with just the thought of a big bass...we all know how easy it is to blank!
like the lads said if the spot looks the same after you've left it,your on the right track...