Multiplier reels

Wed Jan 07, 2004 3:44 pm

I am going to switch from a fixed to a multiplier reel and I have narrowed it down to three reels. They are a Daiwa SL20SH, an ABU 6500 CT Mag Elite and a Penn 525 Mag. I do a variety of fishing from pier, beach and rocks. I am interested in the magnetic braking but I have also read that the Slosh is a pretty rugged customer.

Any suggestions, comments or pointers.

Wed Jan 07, 2004 4:14 pm

All good choices,
As far as your choice depends the Mag 525 and mag elite are certainly the better casting reels, both with magnetic braking although i think out of the box i.e. without any tuning, the mag elite is a more manageable reel. as you're looking for a rugged reel the slosh and mag 525 would be better, the mag 525 has an impressive 5.2:1 retrieve ratio.
When i swithched over from a fixed spool i chose the Penn mag, it's a super reel, takes a little getting used to but now it casts like a dream.
Best advice is to look for a rod & reel combo deal from one of the mail order firms in Britain, Poingdestres, Veals & Glasgow angling centre are particularly good and postage is relatively cheap, The penn 525 is £100 (145 euro) from a mail order firm while it's 300 euro from rory's in temple bar, all the reels you mentioned are similarly priced.

choice of reel

Wed Jan 07, 2004 4:42 pm


Have a Penn 535 and a SL30SH and both are excellent. Agree about the price in the UK, for heavens sake do not buy them here - ridiculous. I do similar fishing, varied, and found that bouncing up a notch from 525 to 535 and 20 to 30 gave me greater line capacity for near enough the same price, important if you have to use 30 lb straight through and you are targetting tope, which indeed I am this year. 2004 is the year of the shore caught tope! Make sure to match the reel to the rod carefully btw.

penn 525

Thu Jan 08, 2004 12:05 am

have a pair, put them through the worst of it and they are still shooting the leads out. i am impressed. i have to agree with alby as regards them taking time to get used to, but when you do you will never look back. you will even get good distances with 30lb. mainlain and leader. if you find they are running a bit fast, even with careful tuning, leave a 1/4 of an inch gap between the line and the edge of the spool. you will cast well into an onshore wind then if the need arises.

ABU Mag Elite

Thu Jan 08, 2004 12:45 am

A word of warning. If you are buying and ABU reel the Mag Elite is supposed to be a pretty good reel ( I got one for Chistmas and find it very easy to use) but avoid the ABU sports mag as it is supposed to have issues with premature wear.


Fri Jan 16, 2004 1:38 am

Hi all good to be back on line again.

The only trouble with the Abu sports mag is: if you drop some where hard ie rocks, the ring that controls the mags is made of plastic. Apart from that, dam good reel have used one since it's lunch.

Penn 525 slidy, its as good as the above, just make sure if you buy said reel that you check the side plate bushing for greese "when new, before use".

Kieran, you are right about the 535 nobby or uptider "I have these as well"
30lb for the shore tope Carlingford did I hear you say.

Penn reels are near bullit proof, and parts can be got for years after a reel has been stoped, unlike slosh makers?

PS Hooked on Fishing last year filmed here with P Cunningham for Tope. It is to be seen some time now this month January 2004


Re: choice of reel

Fri Jan 16, 2004 1:40 am

kieran wrote:Hi

2004 is the year of the shore caught tope! Make sure to match the reel to the rod carefully btw.

Any thoughts where you you may targt them?

Fri Jan 16, 2004 1:58 pm

Aughris Head beach in Sligo, Streedagh in Sligo and I have my suspicions about one in Mayo but I am saying nothing until I land one myself :lol:

Several of the southern strands on the Shannon estuary, in particular the one on Carraig island and the one further down near the village of Beal.

Several of the beaches in Wicklow and Wexford, but later in the year by all reports, but I will be sticking to the west coast myself in all probability.

More shortly,

Mon Jan 19, 2004 12:27 am


west hole at Carlingford, can't say more than that :wink:


Wed Jan 21, 2004 3:17 pm

Many thanks for the responses, even the Tope tangent.


Wed Jan 21, 2004 5:45 pm

Hello, dtmcc

I have a mate living in the Cooley mountains not far from Carlingford.
West hole... ? Now where would that be, would you mind tellin' me sir!?!

If you do not want to post directions here, email me. Thanks :D

BTW, Delcan, sorry for the tope tangent, not intended. New thread open.

Tue Feb 03, 2004 7:51 am

I use the sl20sh cracking little reel.