everything you need to know about BAIT...


Lugworm Ragworm
Crabs Shellfish
Mackerel Other fish
Sandeels Squid
Chumming Regulations

Central Fisheries Board (CFB) Tagging Scheme

Common skate, tope and sharks are all part of the Central Fisheries Board's tagging system - most boat skippers comply with the request to assist in the tagging scheme, both in tagging and reporting catches.

· A State Licence is required to fish for salmon and sea trout, but does not entitle you to fish. Permits or permission from fisheries owners must be obtained.

Licence Fees

All Districts (i.e. all Regions), Annual: €31.74, 
Juvenile €10.15 (under the age of 16 years )

One District, Annual: €15.23

All districts, 21 Days: €12.69

All districts, 1 Day: €3.80

Foyle Area (Northern Ireland) Extension €21.58

Special Local (for Annual Licence holders) €6.34

Special Local (for non- Annual Licence holders) €26.66

There has been no increase in licence prices in the conversion from IR Punts to the Euro

· All salmon (and sea trout over 40cm) kept must be tagged, and the logbook filled out accordingly.
· The salmon and sea trout season opens on January 1st in some fisheries. Most fisheries open at a later date (various dates up to the March 20th). Most fisheries close on September 30th with some exceptions which close on various dates between September 15th and October 12th.
· It is prohibited to keep or kill any sea trout in Connemara or the Ballinakill district.
· It is prohibited keep more than one salmon OR one sea trout over 40cm per day before June 1. Any subsequently caught fish must be returned unharmed to the water immediately upon capture.

· It is prohibited sell rod caught salmon or sea trout over 40cm between January 1st and October 31st.  This is the traditional closed season.


· It is prohibited to take and kill more than two bass on any one day. (Bye-law No.667)  The minimum overall size limit of 40cm allies, from tip of snout to end of tail  The closed season runs from 15th May to 15th June.


· It is prohibited to take and kill any skate.  The common skate has been delisted for specimen purposes, and only a record fish of > 221 lbs is allowed to be taken.  In 2004 a fish estimated at over 230 lbs was taken off Cork and returned alive - well done to the angler and skipper and let's see a continuation in what is becoming a very successful conservation policy and practice.

Note: Penalties include confiscation of tackle and heavy fines.

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