The Ongoing Struggle with Technique

Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:14 pm

With the return to work limiting my free time and with the pending Australian Championships I decided that I needed to get out and do some full blooded casts with the heavier leads. I.e 175 gram.

Initially I ws a little stiff as I had done atraing session down at the gym the day before and the muscles were a bit tight , still I had to get my wait right and slow my turn down to allow the lead to arch better and I seem to be winning that struggle - maybe I should always cast after a heavy traing session :roll:

Well here is the video footage of the casts after I had warmed up and I am reasonably happy with the results,

just need to hit it a bit harder right at the end :D

As usual I would still like any feedback or comments :D

Re: The Ongoing Struggle with Technique

Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:57 am

Class video,you make it look so easy :mrgreen: .If I could get my technique even half as good as that Id be very happy.Im off to the field to practise tomorrow :)

Re: The Ongoing Struggle with Technique

Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:23 am

Hi Jeremy,, the first two cast looked the best IMO,, nice and smooth with a nice progressive build up..
What rod was it,,, E1000?

Re: The Ongoing Struggle with Technique

Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:48 pm

Hi Jeremy,

Your 175 is looking good. As always these thoughts is from someone who wishes he could trow half as good. On the first cast is looks like the left arm is still climbing ever so slightly as you step for the hit. I think the result is a lose of some of the hit from the left arm in the cast.

Second one for me looks really nice.. left arm seems to be in position a little earlier and is not climbing high and it seems to be doing a lot more work during the hit It's finishing up nearer the rib cage before the recoil.

It looks to me like your trying to trying to use the torque from the hip turn more and I think it looks like it's going well. Your balance looks excellent. I think the step could be a little less wide, like the cast at 2:57. You seem to get a really good hip turn with this one and stay balanced...

I would be interested is hearing your thoughts on how its going. Are the distances coming? are you hitting the odd cast that just seems to fly? or do you feel like it going backwards.... I always think casting is like a golf swing... subtle adjustments do work, but replicating them all the time is the really tough part.

I admire your perseverance and I hope it's working well for you.
