Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:02 am
Date - 17th Feb, 07
Time - 18:00- 19:00
Tide - ebbing
Weather - Dry, not too cold, very clear under the stars(for the last part)
Terrain - river mouth/further back on estuary
Line used - Inter
Fly used - Dna Clousers,
Result - 1 1/2 coalie
woohoo. my first SWFF fish, granted it was only a small one but it was still great, considering it was on my first cast and also caught on the first clouser i have ever tied, a blue and white one with some pearl lureflash!
Had a few knocks after this but it got too dark so we left!
Thought this was some sort of sign so i was out today as well for an hour or two, but no joy. though my girlfriend managed to catch what looked like the same fish in the same spot, on a abu krill!
Roll on the summer!
Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:36 am
Well done ts1500 at the end of the day catching any size of fish on the SWFF gear lets us know we're doing something right(roll on mackerel season) :oops: :lol: