Sun Feb 24, 2013 2:29 am
hurler01 wrote:Nice goin charlie, tied up a few myself, diawl bach for mullet and trout and a shrimp. I'll get a few photos up and maybe tie up some more in a while. I've a few wiggle fins that look to be the same job as the petitjeans. Although they are more suited to trolling for pike with the fly rod. Casting with the wiggle fins on is pretty difficult due to the air resistance. The wiggle fins give more movement to soft plastic worms on a jighead.
cheers Martin
a few decent flies there man, sure to catch, very nice. did u copy Davy McPhail's Diawl Bach..? i have tied it myself and used it for rainbows, it was deadly! its a classic wee fly and apparently brilliant in rivers for trout too
'wigglefins', interesting, never heard of them and have just googled them, jees they look the part. they have a different action compared to the petitjean head but they look deadly. they look somewhat easier to use/apply too, hey i might have to look into getting a few of those. mind you, yeah i can imagine that they would be very difficult to cast alright. maybe i could try small ones to begin with, lets see. thanks for that
btw, i tested those flies that i tied with the petitjean heads today. they sent a shimmer down the body of the fly alright but only a small one, they were a bit small for these particular flies i reckon and so i need bigger magic heads. can imagine the same issue too thought - that the bigger the magic head then the more difficult it will be to cast
Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:49 am
Thanks Charlie, I copied the patterns shown on flyforums but had a look at how Davie McPhail ties his. He uses jc and I didn't. The ones on the flyforums are called something like modified diawl bachs that don't gave a feather or hackle comin down from the thorax. Just used magenta herl, soft wire and any hackle. For the head I used red 6/0 thread with a dollop of uv resin that I got from pike shack. I think you can use small beads or tinsel.
The wiggle fins add a good vibrating action to the flys. Depends, from the yak, I might tie on a leader, add the wiggle fin then tie on a snap lock with a fly that can be changed. At times I don't have to cast that far, for you're out in the middle of the action.
Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:33 pm
Was just thinkin, I was out on the west coast on the yak along with a fella and we started chuckin out lures, I was usin Mepps with blue dots and he was usin a feed shallow but we ended up catching and releasing 2 sea trout. A small wiggle fin or magic head head would add a good vibration. I'll tie up more sand eel patterns on smaller hooks to see what happens for later in the year, I'm gettin the state licence anyway for I'm a few fields away from the Clare River and I'm gonna give it a go for salmon and use the diawl bachs for brown trout.
I'm usin nayat hair for the sandeel, clouser patterns as the material has a lovely flowing movement. I've used hart worms that have caught me a lot of good sized pollock so the nayat hair might offer the same movement in the water with or without a wiggle fin so see what happens.
As you know you can get very close to the fish on the yak.
Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:43 pm
Nice flies Martin
Have you been fishing recently on GB?
Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:37 pm
Thanks Stan, the weather has been poor of late. I've only managed to go to lakes in search of pike with no joy although if you're not out you won't catch them. I'll wait until the weather warms up a bit and the winds are playing ball before I hit the coast. As soon as things improve I'll be heading to Connemara. Goin out shortly for a drive and a recce!
Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:41 pm
all sounds great Martin, great stuff
dont know nayat hair, might check it out. im a big fan of just simply using marabou, it is so lightweight and soft, has a great action and the heads send a lovely little shimmer down it
think probably my best fishing last year was from a yak
Sun Feb 24, 2013 2:00 pm
Good job, I've the barred blood maribou in a few different colours. If you get the nayat you'll be impressed with it.
Sun Feb 24, 2013 2:49 pm
hurler01 wrote:Thanks Stan, the weather has been poor of late. I've only managed to go to lakes in search of pike with no joy although if you're not out you won't catch them. I'll wait until the weather warms up a bit and the winds are playing ball before I hit the coast.
Similar here, still waiting for a bit warmer days
I must say that I really enjoy living 3kms from a launch spot
Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:13 pm
standerus wrote:hurler01 wrote:Thanks Stan, the weather has been poor of late. I've only managed to go to lakes in search of pike with no joy although if you're not out you won't catch them. I'll wait until the weather warms up a bit and the winds are playing ball before I hit the coast.
Similar here, still waiting for a bit warmer days
I must say that I really enjoy living 3kms from a launch spot

If only Stan.
Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:58 am

Tied on a size 8 hook.
Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:50 pm
a few sea trout patterns that i have been working on over the winter..
mainly sandeel or elver patterns
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Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:53 pm
last few..
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Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:47 pm
Nice work Charlie
Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:04 pm
cheers Martin
mind, i still see plenty of room for improvement.. they aint perfect by all means
but anyway..., have already managed a nice s.trout on one of the patterns already - 3rd pic up: IMG_1926r - crackin wee fly - nice size and shape, nice colours and movement
Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:22 pm
Are those vulturine feathers in a few flies? Where did you get those hard to come across them? Lovely ties
Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:04 pm
patk wrote:Are those vulturine feathers in a few flies? Where did you get those hard to come across them? Lovely ties
no they arent Pat. I saw the elver pattern as tyed by Davie McPhail on you tube and he uses them but i didnt bother trying to source them. just used badger hackle feathers instead. the black and white colours are reversed if you hadnt noticed.. shouldnt matter too much id like to think
Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:47 pm
Hadn't noticed the colours reversed!! Very clever Charlie I am going to copy your use of those!! the black fly with the jungle cock eyes screams after dark bass to me . thanks for the reply great tying
Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:57 pm
Charlie - that wee fly above 1926r you gave me has also proven deadly for stocked brownies feeding on perch fry - had a great session - and every fish landed was on it
Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:44 pm
nice1 Davy. nice to hear
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