Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:27 pm
Just bought myself a fly fishing outfit to play with on the shore and need answers to a few questions.
1.Do I need a licence for a fly rod when fishing from the shore in the north ?(I'm not nessesaraly targeting sea trout) :wink:
2.Would lures from Mackerel traces etc be as effective as proper flies ?(yes I know I'm a cheapskate) :roll:
3.If you answered no to question 2 what patterns would you suggest. :lol:
4.Can you add anything else a complete newbie needs to know ?
Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:43 pm
Dont know about the licence wouldnt think so. Its just for sea trout and salmon in the south. They would probably work but could be a bit bulky, you would want some proper saltwater flies as well clousers and decievers in varying colours are good chartruesse, white and blue are good colours to use. Eyes on flys also help. A line tray is good as it stops your fly line getting caught up in your feet and damaged on rocks. Hope that helps.
Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:03 pm
go here for some quick FAQs
if you need any help give me a PM
Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:07 pm
Thanks folks no doubt I'll be in touch. :roll: :lol:
Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:05 pm
if your looking at cheap flies to get started try some small hokkai's, also those tiny shrimp feathers are deadly for macks. you dont need a licience unless you catch a sea trout/salmon and intend to keep it. other advice is buy a pair of sun glasses, a fly cought in the wind can be pretty dangerous to your eyes. make your self a cheap stripping basket out of a wash basin and a webbed belt, if you google it you should find loads of different designs, their pretty straight forward. also get some casting lessons. the ability to double haul can lead to much more time fishing and alot less time casting.
Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:31 pm
Cheers Lumpy I think by the looks of things I'll have my work cut out me over the next few months :oops: :lol:
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