Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:25 pm
Mostly fishing with a redington #8 CPS saltwater model, or a bloke XL50, Ula Force, Vision extreme distance WFF#8, tapered leader of Rio hard alloy mono (3 pieces) total about 10'-0".
Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:39 pm
i see. tink its similar to d way the fish for snook in florida. fish these small shrimp and juvinille baitfish patterns around harbours and mangroves for juvenille cnook. have used very heavily weighted gotchas for flounder as well. fish then by bouncing them them along the bottom causing big puffs of sand to rise up off the bottom. i'l have to put more time into the wrasse tho.pollack and bass are getting a bit boring.
Sun Nov 12, 2006 5:44 pm
dont know much about SWFF in florida, although i have huge respect for american SWFF i tend to try and avoid been overly influenced by them. I like to work things out here over time (long) but very interesting and keeps me happy!!
Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:31 pm
just hav an idea about it cause my godfather lives in the states.its hugely influenced me tho,u can adapt and improve alot of their techniques to fishing here.its become apparent from conversations wit him that things we think are novel approaches to fishing here are pretty standard over their. jus my opinion.
Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:53 pm
know what you mean - as a full time guide i get ideas and help all the time from customers who travel here to fish with me from all over the world.
It helps me to improve the service and i can continue to develop with lots of confidence and new techniques/methods. It not only improves catch rate but it extends into a better quality experience for people who visit here.
People are really generous when it comes to SWFF. For me if i discover something that i havent read before or been told about - its a big treat!
Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:40 pm
exactly and its even applicable to use techniques we use closer to home, my flyfishing background is in dry fly and upstream nymphing for trout and this summer i took this upstream nymphing technique and applied it to fishing for bass in a rapidly emptying bay that creates a river type flow at the mouth. this area is heavily fished by spin and bait fisherman alike so the fish have become quit wary, it is also home to thousands of burrowing sandeel. because of the strong flow i suspected that the bass lay facing upstream waiting for dislodged sandeel. applying the upstream nymph and indicator technique, i fished immitative sandeel patterns (mainly surf candies with marabou or off white zonker tails) under a strike indicator and fished them up stream leaving them dead drift back down. while it did not result in large quantities of fish i did catch significantly more than normal across and down fishing or even up stream with out an indicator. interestingly i did miss alot of takes so it appears theres potential for further experimentation.more hook ups did also occur with circle hooks but i dont really like fishing these as it takes the element of skill in timing ure strike out of the equation.
Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:29 pm
I tied up a wrasse fly quite similar to yours but I made the magic head out of some plastic, and used slightly different material, I think its squirrel tail. Hopefully it will work.
Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:02 pm
Sounds good Jack - I hope it works out well for if only that weather would improve a little bit!!
Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:42 am
By the way
If you are using a MH or similar - experiment with cutting away some of the head at different angles (see foto)- it will/can improve the swimming action by up to 30%.
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