Mon Apr 17, 2006 7:53 pm
A couple of pics of the flies I'm trying for sea-trout.
Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:24 am
The bottom few - Parson Tom and Sandeel flies - are deadly for sea trout in the Erne estuary, should work in any estuary with sandeel really, I've had trout in the Eske estuary too on them. The Gadget and Baltic Special are also very good, used to catch loads, and I mean loads, of trout on the Gadget. Never fished anything like the top ones with cone heads - are they tube flies - can't really see, or are they tied with a flying treble hook? The flying treble or tandem mount is very good when you're getting fish plucking (sometimes viciously) at the fly but not getting hooked... ahhh the memories! Will hopefully get back up there this summer to give it a go again.... 8)
Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:29 am
Nice looking flies Sandman...
I just made the pics a little smaller for those in dial up land.
Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:47 am
The ones in the lower pic are indeed tube flies. I have small trebles on them at the moment, much as I despise treble hooks in general. I might look at replacing the treble with a single or double later.
I have pics of a few other patterns I'm reliably informed work well in some Donegal marks for sea trout. Must get them stuck up here as well.
Anyone ever tried tube flies like those above? Any luck?
Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:10 pm
I like the look of the bottom flies as well. Very sandeel like. The top flies look well and the cone will get them fishing lower in the water especially if there is some flow wher you are fishing.
Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:25 pm
It'll be interesting to see how they perform.
Due to a highly improbable set of circumstances my chances of getting any work done this afternoon are nil (or as good as) so I'm considering just going out out for a chuck.
Tides even look right.....
It's a sign......
Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:08 pm
we use the ones with the trebles regurely. there called snake flies, used regurly on the welsh seatrout. tie them with low water salmon hooks though, although these will rust in the sea. if you can get stainless hooks the americans use for gotcha's (its a fly pattern) they should work as well. made by tiemco, cant remember the pattern number
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