Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:11 pm
Lads. I'd like to start tying some flies for swff. Are there any fly tying kits you would recommend for getting started?
Sat Apr 22, 2017 10:01 pm
Might be better to consider the type of fly/ies you would like to tie before investing in a kit which might include materials wide of the 'mark'
If you could chat to a good tier about equipment and material and then about Deceivers, Clousers, Flatwings and Hollow Fleyes - these patterns plus a few more should cover you for a lot of SW species -
An excellent book among many is 'Saltwater Naturals and their Imitation' by George V Roberts Jr - so much more than tying......predation, prey, colour, light, behaviour, patterns
Best of luck on the best of journeys
Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:01 pm
you wont need much if you are just starting out, and especially if you are just going to tye saltwater patterns.
Salt water patterns are pretty straight forward and easy to tye (in respect to a lot of trout flies) and as Jim points out there, there are only a few popular patterns that will cover a lot of species.
The main objective is to get a vice that holds the hook securely and most vices will do this, even the cheaper ones. My vice cost £20, its small and clamps onto the table, it works fine.
After that, then 2 bobbins (to hold 2 different colours of thread) for convenience, a good pair of scissors (these blunt over time and are worth replacing periodically, look after them - avoid cutting thick wire etc if possible), a whip finishing tool, and a dubbing needle, with suffice for starters. Some basic materials will be all you need for starting also, and then you can start looking at resins, UV torches etc as you progress.
if there was any other advice i could offer on how to learn how to tye, then it would be to watch all the videos on youtube by Davie McPhail - just to see techniques and how it is 'done' by one of the best out there. Great videos, saltwater patterns are pretty straightforward.
A fantastic hobby. Enjoy
Tue Apr 25, 2017 4:24 pm
Hi ecleary,
great advice above ^^
I have an older vice that I don't use anymore if your interested in a buying one second hand. Happy to include some synthetics, information etc that I have to start you off too. Based in Ashbourne.
Nothing like catching a fish on a fly you've tied yourself : ) although it can become obsessive,
Sun Sep 17, 2017 6:51 pm
I have started tying flies only a few months ago myself and just my thought on a Vise, I got the Stonfo Transformer vise because its 3 vises in 1. I am tying doubles and Tubes for Salmon and will concentrate mainly on the Tubes for the start of next season, but i also like the fact that i will be tying Saltwater Flies for next year too, and this vise is only a push to change heads and I can tie anything from tiny trout flies, up to Big Salt.
Just my 2 cents.
I am looking forward to catching Fish on my own flies and hope you will too
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