Mon Sep 19, 2016 9:10 pm
For those that are using poly leaders, how do you connect your fluro/nylon?
I have been trying tippet rings and small swivels for a while now and I reckon that the tippet rings are prob better.
Any thoughts?
Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:21 am
Hi Eoin,
just seeing your post today, I place alot of confidence in the orvis tippet knot, simple, strong and quick to tie. Also leaves a nice tag end for a dropper if you wish to hedge your bets. (blank insurance!)
I've used tippet rings and found them good. However I'm trying to reduce the amount of items I need to remember to pack,buy and lose while SWFF ... ppet-knot/regards,
Fri Oct 07, 2016 9:52 pm
Thanks Kgarr. Usefull knot that.
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