patk wrote:Full sinking for Pollack in deep water the faster the better. For hbass I never use anything other than floating as I fish shallow water.
That's pretty much the way I see it too
It depends on the depth of water and where the fish are, pollack or bass
If the fish are down deep then u will have to definitely get down to them, a fast sinking line is the best way. Mind you, if they are very deep then I think fly fishing defeats the purpose!
for shallow water... Floating line. And in between.. An intermediate
The thing about weighted flies is that very often there wil be a bow in the line (downwards) which can affect your connection with the fly.. More reason just to have a sinking line and short leader.
I wud only fish weighted flies if I was wanting to pull/bounce a fly along a clean seabed
Good luck. I have been tying a few salt water flies recently, very tempted to wet a few tomorrow!:wink: