Fri Nov 11, 2005 11:50 am
We are manufacturers of high quality fishing flies flies based in Kenya. Please see our site
Lately we have received many Fly orders for Pot Belly Pigs and since we realised that you too may want to move them, we decided to write and find out if theres a possibility we can do business together as you fishing flies tying company.
Our prices are from US$ 3.25 per dozen. We have lots of references as you will see in the customer comment on site. further to that, we are paypal verified.
See our Best Sellers offer here: ... ffers.html
Please let me know the possibilities.
Prices for PBP start from US$ 10.00 per dozen. Standard Flies from US$ 3.25 per dozen.
Perminus Karanja
Fri Nov 11, 2005 12:09 pm
Hi Perminus
We do not normally allow people advertise in such a blatant manner on our boards -... which is not to say that you can not advertise here.
If you want to send us some samples, we can offer them as a prize and post photos of your flies and a review of same on the board with a link to your website. I think that is fair and reasonable.
If you do not post or email a responses, the thread will be deleted. Sorry about this but we have to adopt some standards or we would be swamped...
Kind Regards
Fri Nov 11, 2005 1:52 pm
I've just deleted the other two posts. Same reason, sorry. This is not a free shop front. We're all keen to try new tackle so like Kieran said, if you want to send some in for review, feel free.
Word of mouth and reviews by our members are probably your best advert!
I'm sure Tanglerat or some of the lads on the SWFF board would be up for a spot of reviewing....
Fri Nov 11, 2005 2:19 pm
Got a pm bout it too. did everyone else? have to say tho that it did interest me
Fri Nov 11, 2005 2:22 pm
Got an email. I'll give the guy a few pointers about who to talk to by reply.
Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:28 pm
Yeah, toss em over my way and I'll give them a slinging! :D if they can stand up to me they'll be good quality, given the standard of my fluff-chucking! :shock:
Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:55 am
Sorry about my postings yesterday. I appologise for that.
Samples will be sent out on Tuesday to Kieran. I am sure upon receipt he will let you guys look at them and advise on the quality.
Thanks and have a good weekend - Tight line(s)
Mon Nov 14, 2005 6:17 pm
Right, when they arrive I will need names and addresses, so PM me under the heading "test Kenyan flies" and my thanks to Perminus.
Thu Dec 15, 2005 3:17 pm
For the record, we have not heard a word back from perminus, and I've had other emails from people on this topic. Sorry to disappoint the three who asked for the samples but none arrived, despite assurances etc.
Suspect this was probably a near miss if you understand me...
Thu Dec 15, 2005 5:14 pm
Think you might be right there Kieran. Have got all the fly tying gear for xmas so will be doing my own from here on in!!!! Think there might be a couple of dodgy closers knocking around in kerry this summer!!!!!
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