Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:04 pm
sorry i know this is for sea fishing but still tought you guys could help me out. I am heading up to Donegal in a few days and was wondering can I still fish for brown trout.
Now the thing is where I hoped to fish is a small wild lake up in the mountains which a liscence is not required for during the season so do you know if I can still fish in this lake now?
any toughts welcome. thanks.
Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:59 am
The latest fishing for brownies is 12 oct and usually 30 sept. the fish up there are likely to be very small also as it is very acidic. good fun come the spring mind you
Tue Oct 25, 2005 2:58 pm
They will have just started to make their way to the spawning beds now. Best leave them alone until the spring.
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