Returned to sea fishing this year after alot of years course fishing and decided to give SW FF a bit of a bash as it really appealed. Spent 2 months practicing casting and catching small Pollock etc (learning how to use a fly rod for the first time basically) for prior experience for what was to be my first ever trip bass fishing this year to the Clonakilty region. Boy am I glad I Lent how to use a fly rod.
Caught my first bass on a plug then a few on spinners which was fantastic then decided on day 3 to give the fly rod a go in what looked to me the perfect little cove, 3 casts in and wollop, I had just hooked my first Bass on the fly. After a great scrap I landed, weighed, photographed and returned a lovely Bass of 3lb 5oz a very very happy man.
The same day we traveled on to a local estuary to fish for mullet, once we had the fish feeding confidently my mate and I decided to try something we had discussed while tench fishing a few years before, fly fishing for them with artificial bread. After about 20Min's I hooked a lovely 5lb 1oz fish on the fly rod and boy did it go off, running all over the place like it was a bonefish. We ended up catching 5 or 6 fish and loosing a few more in about 4hrs fishing over 2 sessions. I highly recommend if you have access to mullet you try this, your in for a treat when you hit into one.
I'm back home in Bangor now addicted to SW FF and depressed that I don't live in Clon, glad I'm going back at the end of the month :lol: The local mini Pollock will have to keep me going meantime.
Last edited by Marty Harrison on Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.