Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:24 pm
id like to say this sounds really interesting.the whole salt water fly fishing, just curious,is it standard trout and salmon gear u use,with the funny line,and tie on normal fishing line onto the end,for the fly?just any general information wud b great!ive seen the fish and there impressive.i cant even catch them with standard fishing gear!!feckin dogfish!
Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:38 pm
I use pike fly fishing tackle for all my saltwater work. The rod is a fox 10ft rod with a aftm rating of #11. The reel I use is a magnum 200d and lines are cheap airflo floaters and sinkers. Leaders are 10 - 15lb nylon. Flies include clousers and sandeel imitations.
Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:26 pm
well if had a dog fiish on fly it would be the most memorable fish of the year. I managed a weaver last year.
buy hooked on bass my mike ladle and bruce vaughan
inshore flyfishing by lou taboroy
get a subsciption to Irish angler
use a 6 - 7 # in estuarys and a 12 - 14 foot double hander on the beach.
buy clouser minnows - decievers - gurglers (floating line 80% of the time)
job done
PS PUT THE FEKKERS BACK!!!!!!!!!!! You will be to proud to start killing things!
best of luck
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