Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:01 pm
Hello All,
Hoping someone here can help me. I'll be in Ireland (from Toronto) for a wedding this August and I would love to sneak in a little fly fishiing while there (if the wife lets me....).
Anyway, I'm thinking of some shore fishing on the coast, but really I have the rods and flies for stillwater/river as well. I'm looking for a gillie (or a shop) who can help me out for a few hours. Any recommendations?
I'll be in Waterford city on August 8 and in Dublin the following week.
Wed Jul 27, 2005 11:14 am
I fish around an hour from dublin. Its good fishing for small brown trout up to a pound. A nice river and the surroundings are great. Let me know and you can come along. I fish it most nights. Its the river Slaney near baltinglass co.Wicklow. Its also free fishing!!! You will have missed the seatrout which is a pity.
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