Sun Jul 03, 2005 1:58 pm
I started saltater flyfishing last year with a trip to Cobh to fish for bass with John Hall --- fished hard for 2 days before finally managing to lift a bass of about 3lbs at 5pm on the second day - hard fshing for one fish.
Since then I have ben concentrating on pollock and coalfish in Strangford Lough and Belfast Lough. I was lucky enough to get a trip to SanFranciso this year with work and managed to squeeze in a days guided stripped bass fishing - got a nice one about 5lbs. The guide was a guy called John Quigley - he showed me how to use a leadcore shooting head - really gets down deep quick and you can cast it miles ( once you get the hang of it). It wasn't easy to cast at first and I only really got the nack when I got home.
Over the past 6 weeks I ave been making trips out on Strangford in my RIB and have been having Great Criac with the pollock and coalies- even a small one puts a great bend in an 8wt fly rod.
Best to date 4lb Pollock - great fight - returned alive as always.
I am hoping to go after some mackeral as they get more plentyful .
If anyone want some info on the Leadcore shooting heads let me know. John Quigley is selling them on ebay for a pitance and will set them up for you and sell you excellent running line if you need it. If you search on ebay for lead core shooting head you will find him.
Let him know that I poined you in his direction and he will go out of his way to look after you - he will set up the head based on you fly rod weight ( probably for a all fee)and will provide URLs on how to cast it.
I am happy to help anyone who needs a few pointers ( albeit that I am no expert ) as these things are difficult until you get the hang of them.
I have to say this is some of the most FUN fishing I have had for years.
Tight lines
Bert :lol:
Mon Aug 15, 2005 10:38 pm
I searched ebay (worldwide )but no joy do you have his ebay identity or his emil address etc
Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:53 pm
I had a quick search - try lead core shooting heads on ebay - should come up OK
Try this URL: ... dZViewItem
Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:12 pm
Leadcore lines truely are tough to cast. If your new to fly fishing try getting to grips with casting a reqular line before you move to leadcore. Off the shore I find a fastsinking line perfectly good although you might want something a bit faster off a boat especially if you are drifting.
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