Mon May 30, 2005 11:43 pm
anyone know where to start f.f. in an estuary thats sandy on one side
rough/broken ground giveing way to mudflats further in
sea trout/bass present
wtaer temp and food are important to the basses. warm sunny days means the rocks heat up in the sun at low tide as does the sand to a lesser extent so start on the rocks as the flood covers it.
?what state of the tide shoud u start L.W./H.W.?? start low water and do a bit of recce and fish the tide up. be warned every venue is different, some work better on a dropping tide r even low water, but the rule is a flooding tide is best
i would say that try to get either matching a big tide and ur laughing. morning is hard this time of yr as u have to b out before dawn and fish untill it is properly bright, after that it isnt as good
how deep must the water be??
caught my biggest bass in about 3 foot of water, and in march i was plugging and my mate dropped a bait between me and the shore and had a 6lber, i was only up to my knees so he must have barely been covering his back.
if u r in an estuary with a flow fish it across and down as u would salmon fishing. let the fly swing round the corner. beware of making ur fly swim against a strong current, its unnatural.
and finnally the most important thing i have picked up. the key to fly fishing is to find the fish, i know it sounds stupid but its true, i usually have 3 r 4 venues that would b worth a try in any given set of conditions out of maybe 10 r 12 places i fish. i drive round till i c somthing i.e terns within range r fish moving swirls etc. if after going round to the 3 i dont c anything i go the the most likely looking one, the one that feels the most bassy on a given day and chance my arm. i have found the better i am getting at it the less time i am spending with my fly in the water and the more time i am just watching
Mon May 30, 2005 11:44 pm
sorry that was me
Tue May 31, 2005 3:34 pm
Sound advice there Liam,
This is a shot from when I lived in Scotland and my favourite haunt for Bass, used to eye up the biggest tide, and get to this point 1 1/2hrs after high water, had some great sport with bass up to 5lb, that was in water 2' to 6', it was that shallow here i could climb out to take a photo! (just had to keep an eye out for that HSS ferry) it needed a good flow of water there, we used toby's mostly, on occasion i did have a shot with the fly, if there was plenty about, I remember once just leaving the fly trailing from the back of the boat aboout 6' back from the boat just to have a go with the spinning rod, next thing the reel was screeming away and a fish on! another time the kids were out with us and at eight yrs old not very good at fly casting so just gave them a fly rod with 10' trailing behind to keep um quiet so i could try and catch one and yes you guessed it off it went again!
Yes it was a great spot there and no-one else fished it, have yet to discover a similar run over here, sure there will be at the end of Inch/Rossbiegh!
Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:09 am
thanks for takeing the time to reply i am going to give it a go this evening
Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:27 pm
remember it's still close season poacher.
pollack can be caught on the fly too though, I'm told.
Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:41 pm
Hi all
I came across this site
and have seen flyers for same around Wexford.
I believe he is offering tuition in saltwater fly fishing..
Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:22 pm
seen his articles in irish angler and he seems a bit of a novice himself. any one went out with him?
Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:49 pm
Well the SAC is having a competition on July 16th in Ballyhealy, would there be any interest in a session/seminar with them hat weekend?
pm if so..
Wed Dec 07, 2005 4:43 pm
Hey Poacher,
I have had many bass on fly in Dungarvan Harbour, Waterford this past year. No problem catchin em. With a username like 'poacher' I dunno if I should share too much info with you about it!
An Corr Eisc :lol: :twisted:
Thu Dec 08, 2005 1:29 am
corr eisc wrote:Hey Poacher,
I have had many bass on fly in Dungarvan Harbour, Waterford this past year. No problem catchin em. With a username like 'poacher' I dunno if I should share too much info with you about it!
An Corr Eisc :lol: :twisted:
changed the name to cortaz
never got round to the f.f this year
going to start next spring what rod/reel/line do i need will be going to the
angling show in dublin in feb.
did u get any sea trout
got 5 in the space of a few weeks in set. seen more follow
did u get any bream on fly
how many bass on would u get on a good day
know a few spots where its a bass a cast at times
u local
supprised i dont know u
Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:22 pm
Cortaz, or poacher or whatever,
I would recommend the vision GT4 Saltwater range with matching reel and shooting head. Mind you, this rod has a very fast tip, so you need to be able to cast. I use a Hardy as all their rods and the Greys are already anodised.
The time and tides I was fishing for the bass weren't the best for the sea trout, but I did fish a 2-hour session in the estuary for them - hooking 26 to 2lbs. I also have a spinner that they will take trolling out further in the estuary.
I didn't get any bream but I saw on a magazine that a local guy got a record one. I think the bream are out near the oysters and that's not the area I concentrate on.
As regards the number of bass. On an evening tide fishing for about two hours I would normally hook into 8 to 10 and lose a few of these. get lots of chases too.
I read in a magazine that a Maher guy outside Dungarvan got a 9lb bass of the cunnigar but I was surprised. In all the ones I have landed the biggest was 6lbs, with most being in the 3lbs range. Then again, that guy fished for Ireland or something and he writes articles in Irish Anglers Digest.
Hope you have some luck. The sea trout will be good on fly in March-April but the bass will probably be a bit later.
If you see An Corr Eisc around - that will be me!!!! :twisted: 8)
Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:00 am
An Corr Eisc wrote:Cortaz, or poacher or whatever,
I would recommend the vision GT4 Saltwater range with matching reel and shooting head. Mind you, this rod has a very fast tip, so you need to be able to cast. I use a Hardy as all their rods and the Greys are already anodised.
The time and tides I was fishing for the bass weren't the best for the sea trout, but I did fish a 2-hour session in the estuary for them - hooking 26 to 2lbs. I also have a spinner that they will take trolling out further in the estuary.
I didn't get any bream but I saw on a magazine that a local guy got a record one. I think the bream are out near the oysters and that's not the area I concentrate on.
what book did u read the above in :D :D :D
As regards the number of bass. On an evening tide fishing for about two hours I would normally hook into 8 to 10 and lose a few of these. get lots of chases too.
I read in a magazine that a Maher guy outside Dungarvan got a 9lb bass of the cunnigar but I was surprised. In all the ones I have landed the biggest was 6lbs, with most being in the 3lbs range. Then again, that guy fished for Ireland or something and he writes articles in Irish Anglers Digest.
Hope you have some luck. The sea trout will be good on fly in March-April but the bass will probably be a bit later.
If you see An Corr Eisc around - that will be me!!!! :twisted: 8)
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