alright alby,i`ve had some success on partridge artificial bread.looks the part but its quite had so you only have one chance for the fish to take it. they never seem to come back for a second look once after the fisrt hit a black spider could also be worth a go... ask fishinmidget about his seaweed fly.looks the part and he`s prob done more fly fishing for mullet
I have alot of succcess with seaweed flies. They always seem to mooch around in broken up clumps of it. Drop one into the middle and away you go!! I normally use a 10 or 12 kamazan fly hook and for the seaweed part hends body stretch just tied in at the head, left .75 to an inch long. It just flutters away in the current. It comes in all different shades of green/olive/brown like colours to match the colour of the weed in your area. Must look up a photo and post it up. Simplest fly in the world to tie.
Re: Bread Flies
Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:30 pm
Interesting......any pic? (i dont tie flies by the way!) and does this float or sink or suspend?
Re: Bread Flies
Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:25 pm
i have some got 10 of em on flea bay remind me before the next comp or ring me if your going walkabout and i,ll show you how its done like last time