Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:19 pm
anyone had a flounder yet on the fly this year?
Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:22 pm
:oops: shouldnt the topic heading have said flounder!!!!! my apologies.this dyslexia seems to b an epademic on here!!!!!
Wed Dec 01, 2004 2:05 pm
epademic .. is that anything like an epidemic ?
eye thyink youse shoold awl lern too spayll proper !
get a dixshunary fore Xmas !
Wed Dec 01, 2004 2:39 pm
ha f*****g ha!!!!!!!!! not my fault i wa dropped on my head as a kid. anyway what about these flunder?
Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:03 pm
calm down there liam ! I was joking, maybe the new found dyslexia has cancelled out the sense of humour !
I take back my previous attempt at humour and apologise for any offence caused !
Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:14 pm
no offence caused at all!! my sarcasm must b as bad as my spelling!!!!lol
Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:27 pm
HI Liam, H Rocks
Right, flounder on the fly is possible. I have found a crab pattern from Kenya that works really well, also took a wrasse this time last year (very late) off a small rocky beach in Mayo. Very improtant however that you fish with the currents, i.e. flounder will not chase any lure, fly, bait or spoon into a current.
Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:34 pm
have u had any this winter yet kieran? have only had tiddles but have heard of turbot following flies!!!!! have u a pic of the crab patterns u have??
Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:01 pm
Kieran, Liam,
I was in with Frankie McPhillips a few weeks back (great fly tier). He has a few new patterns in for saltwater, they looked the business. Liam, you could contact him. He has a wee shop in the Buttermarket in Enniskillen. You can contact him through his website :-
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