Wed Aug 25, 2004 12:04 am
Anyone want to get together and have a go at SWFF? i am based in dublin and try to get out a few evenings a week.
Wed Aug 25, 2004 9:49 am
Hi LiamD et al
For people like myself who are beginners I found the following set of articles on Mike Thrussel's site very good at getting down ot the basics...
My only quibble is that some of the gear he recommends costs both arms and most of your legs, but that could just be rip-off-Ireland at work...
Wed Aug 25, 2004 12:13 pm
The cost of getting started can be quite modest.. an Okuma Airframe 7/9 Graphite composite reel is 29.99 pounds and a number 9 Weight Forward floating or intermediate line from BVG-Airflo in Polyfuse for Cold Water use will be around 10 pounds -- some suitable backing line and a Number 9 Graphite rod around 9ft 6 is less than 40 pounds so you can be fully equipped for around 100 pounds..
You will need a plastic washing up basin (obling shape not round) tied around your waist and a piece of astroturf matting in the bottom to stop tangles and you are ready top go..
Thu Aug 26, 2004 1:04 pm
Would like to come along but its a bit too far for me....
I tried this fluff chucking game for the first time recently using Mullarkeys mill end lines, intermediate & floating at under £5 each. They seemed to work all right - would I notice any difference using the ones you recommended? The Airframe seemed good except the drag caught up the line when the line was the wrong side of the rod - but then that was really my fault :oops:
Thu Aug 26, 2004 4:51 pm
i got the delta plus rod and an ecodisk reel with a spare spool for about €110, i use those mullarkey lines too and they r grand especially cos u dont have to worry if they get nicked on a rock r limpet. after all the fish dont know how much the tackle cost!!!!
Sun Aug 29, 2004 1:16 pm
any body know where i can get mullet flies, been doing a bit on the donabate side of the rogerstown estuary and there are plenty of good mullet to be had in the channel at low tide
Sun Aug 29, 2004 3:27 pm
S'pose Chuckin a couple of big flies around Copeland wouldnt go a miss....
Sun Aug 29, 2004 4:03 pm
It may not quite answer your question but have a look at Chapters 11 & 12. Fascinating stuff and so are the others chapters.
Sun Aug 29, 2004 5:02 pm
That reminds me-
"Hooked on Bass " is in print again. ... 06-2212462
Mon Aug 30, 2004 10:23 am
I would be into pooling some limited knowledge. I have been spinning and plugging for Bass for 4 years now and I have been looking into some fly fishing for them. I lost a small one a few weeks ago in Waterford but that has been the extent of it. I'm originally a trout angler and I do a lot of fly tying as well so I might have something to offer from that perspective. Fancy meeting up for a cast or a beer? Maybe the east coast needs a club :?:
Mon Aug 30, 2004 3:00 pm
sounds like a plan, but we better get a move on before the bass and mullet head off for the winter. As far a s mullet flies i use plastic bread like they do for course angling, is the only thing that will withstand he cast. i also use small yellow flies when they are feeding on maggots in the seaweed. again maybe a plastic maggot like in course fishing????????
Mon Aug 30, 2004 3:27 pm
I'm ok for the afternoon / evening on Wednesday. We can have a chat then if you like. You can e-mail me directly or give me a bell on 086 6671932
Mon Aug 30, 2004 4:12 pm
I know I'm getting off the fly fishing subject, but Tuesday and Wednesday's tides look good - Low water at 19.31 and 20.10 respectively.
Gonna try a lure or two myself....
Had a bash last evening but not a thing in R/R, so spun round to balscadden for a half dozen mackeral. Better than a blank!!!!
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