Sun Feb 02, 2020 1:18 pm
Well after my report on the vass while back 1st chance at the oceans again what's the point leakey leaky leaky. Soaked threw. Was knee deep casting out yet wet in parts up to the waist. Could it be sweat? Even on a day at 3degrees and fishing into night. I wast too warm truth bee could have wore extra layer.
Wed Feb 05, 2020 3:12 pm
try if they are still going - good recommendations
Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:19 pm
I was looking at kinetic myself €150.
Anyone any idea what they're like
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Wed Feb 12, 2020 6:30 pm
Inishowenrocker wrote:Well after my report on the vass while back 1st chance at the oceans again what's the point leakey leaky leaky. Soaked threw. Was knee deep casting out yet wet in parts up to the waist. Could it be sweat? Even on a day at 3degrees and fishing into night. I wast too warm truth bee could have wore extra layer.
What type of the waders are you using. I have the heavy duty version and find I sweat a lot in them no mater how cold it is. WIll always have patches of wet but these dry very quickly. I know the lighter versions dont seem to have this issue as much.
Thu Feb 13, 2020 2:43 pm
As the title of the John Gierach book infers there are only three certainties in life:
Death, Taxes and Leaky Waders.
I've had Snowbee Neoprene waders: they leaked in the second season.
I had Climb8 breathable waders: they leaked in the second season in multiple places. That winter I spent good money with Diver Dave to get them repaired. They leaked again within a few months.
I then got cheap breathable waders from AliExpress. Less than half the price of Climb8. They did the whole season and leaked at the very end. I have done a repair job with Aquasaure and will know this week how well I will get on. If they leak I'll get another pair from China without a second thought.
So my experience is that all of them leak. If I get a €600 pair of Simms Waders: will they last 10 times longer than the €60 AliExpress Waders? Not a chance in hell. they might last two seasons or maybe three
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