Thu May 02, 2019 6:07 pm
Anyone own one of these how do you find them ? Gettin mixed reviews meant to be very bright but battery life meant to be not great can anyone shed any light
Fri May 03, 2019 9:20 am
I've got it last year. Used it few times since while spinning. Very bright indeed and it covers a good distance too.
I usually have it on for about 3-4 hrs at a time on the most intense light and the battery holds just fine...assuming you start with it fully charged.
It's good value for money...especially if you can find a good deal. I've got it discounted for about 55E.
PS: Battery can be replaced if needed. Might be a good idea to have couple of rechargeable batteries with you if you plan to spend a full night fishing.
Fri May 03, 2019 2:14 pm
Cheers thanks for that
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