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Kilmore Quay Sat 31 July

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 8:04 pm
by dtsacs
Fished a club competition aboard Eammon Hayes and Billy Bates boats on Sat. Each boat fished different areas and it showed with the species of fish caught. I was aboard Eammon's boat, mostly Ballen Wrasse, Cuckoo Wrasse, Pouting, Pollack and Cod caught. Plenty of Ballen and Cuckoo (some of the Cuckoo were close to speciem size), with the Pollack while being less plentiful were of good sizes (6 - 8 lbs). Only 4 Cod caught on our boat (nothing great). The other boat on the other hand had plenty of Pollack with very few Wrasse caught. Overall not a bad days fishing with plenty of sunshine to go with it.
Just a note from Eammon Hayes as to the sea conditions in Kilmore, he says that the water temp is only 13.5 deg at present which is over 3 degs less than this time last year, so some fish are not showing as plentiful as they should. No sharks have been caught down there this year yet.
Ragworm as always was the only bait to have on the day.