When: 23/08/2020
Where: Launching from Rush, Co. Dublin
Who: Myself, my uncle Ken and his friend Paddy.
Duration: 12:00-17:00
High Water: 15:30
Equipment: 7.5ft Shakespeare Ugly Stik 2 30/50lb
Bait/Rig: 3 hook pollock basher rig with size 3/0 hooks and 9oz lead.
Conditions: Choppy going out and even worse coming back!
My Result: 9 Mackerel
Ken's Result: Blank
Paddy's Result: 42 Mackerel
So we took part in another boat competition with LSAC, the weather was pretty bad going out with it being too choppy to anchor we went around to the north and eastern sides of Lambay for some shelter and to drift over reefs instead. On route to the mark a bit of wind caught my hat and it went straight into the water, so the first catch of the day was a capfish
Once we had our lines in the water it was a good start for Paddy as he got an almost full house on his first drop, and they kept coming while myself and Ken were barely getting a nibble! I caught the odd mackerel or two sporadically throughout the day and Paddy was the only one on the boat catching consistently, but his secret weapon was small hook hyabusa sabikis.. While we didn't do very well for the competition, it was a similar story for the other anglers out there, some did catch some decent fish but overall it was a very tough day of fishing.