july1 (480x640).jpg
july (640x480).jpg
Thanks to the indecisive Wexford County Council, the boat hasn't been in Wexford since the beginning of June. She spent 10 days on the dry getting copper coated, and then a month in Greystones Harbour, where we did a lot of faffing about, and not much catching of fish. We had 1 good day on the hounds south of Wicklow head, but apart from that, we hadn't enjoyed good fishing. It was a relief therefore, when we motored down last week and put her back on her mooring, and finally last night we ventured out to fish familiar ground. With only about 2 and a half hours fishing time, the plan was to try a few drifts for the spikey lads, and then go to anchor for an hour or so for the animals. I set the first drift to start well ahead of the hot spot, so we could get our gear down with a bit of time to spare. Straight away I had a rattle on the Black Minnow, a handy little Tub Gurnard. Spikey, but not the type we were after. I shook him off and dropped again, and a few moments later, the rod arched over and I had a bass on. As I got it to the boat, Moody Marlin's rod started to bounce. Double header on the 1st drift. Double header on the 2nd drift too, and I even had enough time to release mine and snatch a 3rd. Moody had one on the 3rd drift, and I had one rip the body of the BM, without finding the hook. We both missed fish on the 4th drift, and when the 5th drift passed without a take we decided to go to anchor. Despite being low on Mackerel, we still managed 4 Tope, 1 nice huss and a clatter of doggies in an hour and half. A real smash and grab session, and a reminder of what I've been missing for the last month and a half.
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