I’m going to pack the next 3 outings in to one report. Trying to use the pad on a laptop got the better of me after I lost Episode III

. It’s somewhere out in space now probably been read by aliens.
So it’s back home with a keyboard, wireless mouse and a 19” screen and (Father’s Day) a Jameson, Scrumpy Jack chaser and a few nice Cuban cigars.
Episode III
Typical Kerry/holiday weather, soft Irish rain and a nice northerly wind to add to the mix

. Took the daughter with me on this one with a plan to hit the back of Beginish Island for thornbacks and dabs. Left the marina at Knight’s Town after lunch and headed for the lighthouse and around the northern side. It didn’t look good as some of the waves breaking on the rocks were trying to compete with each other to see which was the tallest

. The command came from the daughter to “drive on”

, well I’ve been out in worse down there. So we headed off around the northern side of the island in a nice lazy Atlantic swell

. Back in around the island and two drifts later with not a fish to be seen. So it was on to plan B and a doggie bashing session and maybe a Huss or two. Stopped at the buoy at Church island and Denise was on to a doubler a Dog and small Huss on the first drop
A couple more dogs were boarded after that then like as if someone turned off the lights all went quite.
Next two items on board were an edible crab and a spider crab.
Time to call it a day and get wet on the inside
Episode IV
The grandson had been doing my head since the holidays were booked to go fishing for Bull Huss. Last year he hid up in the cuddy when I landed one, well when your 4 they can look scary. Headed out the Portmagee channel with a plan of getting a few mackerel out in the deeper water. A nautical mile beyond Portmagee you are in 120’ of water and still 0.8nm from the headland. Once again that lazy Atlantic swell was rolling in with the Skellig boats disappearing in and out it

For anyone who is prone to sea sickness the most important thing to do is to tell yourself that the boat is going up and down and keep looking at the land. So to keep the crew man I didn’t bother fishing and kept talking rubbish and listing to rubbish on how to catch fish. Once the brain is ticking over sea sickness has no room to take it over.
After his run out in Kells bay he wanted to use the same rod a 9’ 20-50g spinning rod so I stuck on a small Shimano speed master on to it. We tried in close to the cliff out of the breeze for wrasse and not a pick. Totally weird 20mt’s from the cliff face and you are in 90ft of water

Headed across to the other side behind Horse Island, a lump of rock about 200mt long, to shallower water and a few hopefully pollack. First drop and he had a doubler of pollack all about 2lb weight. Another few doublers and I listing to s~ite from him “I told you I’d get fish here, we’ll have pollack for dinner”. With the 4.1mt tide on the flood it was off back towards Portmagee to calmer waters and the Huss mark. Anchored up and with the baits in the water it was a waiting game. First fish in was a dog to Sean

Next up was my Huss

, first fish of the day saved.
my huss.JPG
Within minutes the lad’s rod was on the go with what looked a more aggressive bite than a doggie

. Rod in hand off the lad went. By feck them spinning rods can’t half bend

. That was no dog. Moans and groans got the revengeful reply of “he’s your fish you bring him in”

. The line kept down as it neared the boat so this had to be a thornback. As it showed close under the boat I grabbed the line and lifted it on board. Pics taken of the 9lb fish

put it back and it was home ward bound.
One happy lad

heading back home to give grief to anyone willing to listen to him.
Episode V
Friday morning and woke up a gentle breeze and a load of bull s~ite on how to catch thornback ray

. Last day on the water so it was back after the bluemouth. Denise, the lads mother, decided she had enough of thornbacks

so decided to travel also. running out the Portmagee channel
Fresh mackerel had been a big problem down there last year and it was no different. So a chat with Nealie Lyne
http://www.valentiaislandseaangling.com/ and I got a location where he had picked a few mackerel during the week

. Can’t fault the man he was spot on, 2 dozen macks in 15 minutes. Mark set in the plotter and away we went

. Did I mention Atlantic swell,

well add fog to that

. Visibility was down to 100mts at the best of times then it was” steady as she goes skipper”. Kept it a 20kt

on the way out and we were the in no time. I have 3 marks for this reef so I went to the middle one first. Nothing but small ling and the odd pollack been caught

We moved to the other marks with the same results

. The minke whale made an appearance around the boat getting nearer each time. With no sign of a blue mouth we headed for home. That’s fishing.
When I downloaded the track onto the laptop the two drifts were totally different directions, episode II and episode V
To sum it all up a cracking week on the water and on the beer
Leaving the boat on the marina was a dream

. Dead safe, no charge for now, and fresh water on tap to wash the boat and flush the engine after every session.
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