Bluebird Howth 16/07/13

Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:14 am

People: Myself & Derek

Duration: 6.30pm - 9.30pm

Tide: Full at 6.06pm 3.44M High

Weather: Cloudy, with no wind, water was flat as a pancake.

Bait: Feathers & mackerel

Results: roughly 20 Mackerel, Tub Gurnet, Whiting & Dab

First time getting out this year after a bad start to the summer. So with the trip planned it was off out to wet a line and that's all we expected. We headed to the back of the island and done a couple of drifts without a touch. We decided to try in around the rocks to see if could tempt a Pollock or two out not even tap. So we decided that we will do a couple more drifts. we finally picked up a single mackerel and then a double quickly after this.
With the mackerel not showing we decided to put out a ground bait with mackerel on it.
This was produced the dab and tub gurnet. It was Derek's first gurnet of any sort so he was chuffed after getting his first Conger last week. He is a man on a mission now to rack up the species count.
After this we got a tiny dab, but a dab none the less.
We hit a few mackerel every now and then. So we decided lines up at 9.15pm before we went out so we said one more drift over the spot where we were getting the odd mackerel, and both of us got a full line each. Happy days and off in we went.
As always you need something to keep you on your toes I had the boat up on the trailer winching her up about 1ft away from the final position and the winch decided that it was finished and that was as far as she was going to go & died. So a new winch will be required but the best part was trying to get it back into the garden. As the trailer was back heavy, and needs to be pushed in by hand it was doing wheelies, We finally got the boat in and finished up for the night. all in all a nice day to be out, came across a new problem but nothing too serious and just cant wait to get out again.

Re: Bluebird Howth 16/07/13

Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:39 am

Nice report, at least yous had some fish, could have been worse that winch could have gone when you were just starting to retrieve your boat.

Re: Bluebird Howth 16/07/13

Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:15 am

That's what we were saying on the way home, we were lucky to have had the boat up that far on the trailer or else it would of been a nightmare. as I think its only a few inches from the tipping point.
But at least we got some fish and we had a nice evening out.

Re: Bluebird Howth 16/07/13

Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:21 pm

well done mate good fishing

Re: Bluebird Howth 16/07/13

Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:40 am

nice report. least you got a few fish , I know several lads who blanked on the same ground