Huntress, Killalla,8th july

Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:36 am

People:Me,Charlie and from Wigan Tom & Granville.



Weather:Flat calm.


Rigs:Long trace.

Results:4 Cod, 15 Pollock, sanddogs. Ling.

Report: We hunted for macks for nearly two hours,only 20 for bait . Out to look for Spurdogs but they seem to have moved off.Just a few dogs and small ling. Came into the reef for the flood tide & found the pollock and cod feeding but tightly packed against the peaks. Hope this weather lasts.

Re: Huntress, Killalla,8th july

Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:29 pm

well done guys,heard the Pollock are slow enough this,,don't know where we would be if we hadn't got the peaks,,,will have a chat next time with ye when I see ye on the pier