Kilmore quay April 1st

Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:42 pm

People:Myself, Mickm and 4 others



Weather:overcast,mild with a light n/e

Bait:mac,sandeel and dead rag :roll:


Results:Pollock(many), coley(4),codling(20-30),pouting(1),poor cod(1),ling(1),dab(1),doggy(1),cuckoo wrasse(1)

Report: a few of us headed out of kilmore today with Dick Hayes on board enterprise. No macs to be found but there was a whale spotted a few times about 2 mile from shore! Everyone had plenty of fish in the first half of the day with it slowing down in the afternoon. I got most of my fish gilling but it has to be said that the biggest number of fish seemed to be caught by some of the lads jigging unbaited multicoloured feathers(cod/pollock/coley). A very enjoyable day out resulting in a nice bit of fresh cod for the dinner. I couldn't recommend the skipper highly enough to anybody who is thinking about giving kilmore a go
Best cod-5.5-6lb
Best pollock - 6.5lb



Re: Kilmore quay April 1st

Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:52 pm

sounds like you had a good day. hope to be heading out out next wkend. Dick hayes is a great skipper very helpful and friendly always on the hunt for fish

Re: Kilmore quay April 1st

Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:20 pm

well done and its good to hear i be heading down next week :P

Re: Kilmore quay April 1st

Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:23 pm

ye looking forward to our trip on sat if the weather holds,
have u no work to do andy?

Re: Kilmore quay April 1st

Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:46 pm

You no me Paul half day hero haha. You better get sowing on that pocket on your smock ha ha

Re: Kilmore quay April 1st

Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:27 am

Were thinking of the 1st trip to Kilmore this season, 2 boats on Tuesday, any idea on the weather for that day :?:

Re: Kilmore quay April 1st

Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:53 am

ment to be heading out on sat if the weather gets better,it be though fishing with the northly winds..
the"re drainage holes andy,to let the sick out on sat instead of putting my head over the side haha :lol:

Re: Kilmore quay April 1st

Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:06 pm

joeduke wrote:Were thinking of the 1st trip to Kilmore this season, 2 boats on Tuesday, any idea on the weather for that day :?:

the way things look at the moment there might be a bit of a roll on it on tuesday after mondays south to westerlies, if it were me i would be thinking more about wednesday :wink:
give one of the charter skippers a ring on monday and ask for there advice, normally they dont mind giving out safety advice to anglers :wink:

Re: Kilmore quay April 1st

Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:06 am

Well done lads

sounds like ye had a wicked day out and it can only get better :D

joeduke wrote:Were thinking of the 1st trip to Kilmore this season, 2 boats on Tuesday, any idea on the weather for that day :?:

Hay Joe

Found this site very good for all around weather / wave, if you cant find the area you want just pick a mark either side and you will know what to expect when you get there,

i use a couple of different sites as well just to be sure,