Gigabyte, Cork, 02/10/2011

Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:26 pm

People: me, Nik and Kyle

Duration: 10:30 - 18:30

Tide: HW 09:30ish

Weather: calm and foggy

Bait: mackerel

Rigs: shark traces (and flowing traces)

Results: Blue Sharks, Garfish, Launce, Whiting, LSD


Promised my son a shark fishing trip this year, time and weather haven't been on my side and only jumping at the bit to get out in our new purchase, which we've only managed one trip in so far. Nik's first shark trip too so he was looking forward to it.

Made our way gingerly through the fog which at times seemed to be down to 50 yards, did a quick drop for some fresh mackerel for bait (our dubby mix consisting of frozen macks from our last trip out) and then managed a nice comfortable 20knot run out to deeper water.

Our frozen macks were slightly awkward to prepare, but we got the dubby out and were rewarded only 10 minutes later with a run on Nik's rod. The shark released and he started to reel slowly back in to check if the mackerel was still on. About 10' from the boat we could see it, so he was going to release again when the shark made a run past it, great being able to see it in action. Small, but welcome all the same. It grabbed the bait and then headed off on a run, Nik tightened up and had it on. Unfortunately after about a minute his line or knot broke and it was gone.

Enthused and expecting more action, we waited. Was a couple of hours later before Nik had another run on his rod. Under instruction he waited for the second run, tightened and was into a fish again. At that moment a pod of about 30 dolphins decided to turn up and investigate proceedings which was kind of cool. Nik brought the fish in without too much of a fight, as it neared the boat it was obvious why - another small blue shark this time wrapped in the leader, coming in backwards. Quickly boated, untangled and photographed before we popped it back. Nik was happy, ready for more. Kyle and myself wondering when it was going to be our turn.

Another period of waiting ensued, we learned that Nik was fishing deeper than us, so we took our balloon off our line and fished it down. Passed the time catching a couple of gars and some bits and pieces on the bottom. Then as if by magic, our dubby trail had done its work and the sharks appeared in numbers. First Kyle hooked into one, great fun watching a near 10year old reeling in shark. Nik was in also soon afterwards. After 5 minutes of fighting Kyle's line snapped. He had been ready to go, bored of the waiting (although delighted he'd seen a shark, and at least hooked one) and tired from the fight. We told him not to worry and try again. Rigged him up and put the bait out. 2 minutes later he was in again.

Meanwhile Nik's fish was putting in a spirited display and I was back and forth between him and Kyle, trying to keep an eye on Kyle, but help Nik boat his shark. Anytime we though we had him, he'd take off on another dive, while Kyle's shark kept going from side to side on the boat, forcing Nik to keep moving.

Eventually we got Nik's in, a much more decent specimen. Photo's etc, then back in. Kyle meanwhile was tiring, so I held his rod, let him (and the shark) take a breather before he made his final attempt. Couple of minutes later he had it to the boat, one more dive from it as I tried to tail it in. Another two minute struggle for him and we got it in. Decent shark 6' again, but heavier than Niks. Great delight for and from the young lad. Much smiling in the photos and then we popped it back.

We had to head soon after, Nik squeezing in aother shark before we headed (we'd packed up as this point). Four sharks boated, 2 lost and I'm sure had we stayed there would have been a good few more. So we were happy with our day out.

Small boat sharking - always good craic.
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Re: Gigabyte, Cork, 02/10/2011

Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:45 pm

Great report Lee. Nice to see the young lad getting a fish like that. If he's not hooked now he never will be.


Re: Gigabyte, Cork, 02/10/2011

Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:00 pm

Nice trip Lee...well done on the new purchase as well.


Re: Gigabyte, Cork, 02/10/2011

Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:32 pm

nice to get out lee best of luck with the boat you got a good one

Re: Gigabyte, Cork, 02/10/2011

Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:41 pm

Thought I recognised the name there! great to see you getting into some nice fish, well done, some big Cod next maybe!