galway bay

Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:05 pm

myself and two friends set out at 11 on the bank holiday monday,we headed out from ballvaughan and set about catching some mackeral ,with in no time we had around 30 so headed into the bay towards galway to a mark i used last year to good effect.stayed there for around 6 hours ,we all had our target of tope i had 4 kev 2 and chunk 3.we also lost about 5 more .a good day but would now like to try for plaice ,dabs ect or the rays so any info would be good.

Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:07 pm

nice one on the tope, any size to them??

i've heard that you can get flats and ray a few hundred yrds out from the flats (blackhead) and out off from fanore (not sure how reliable source is though, if you know what i mean, (fishy tales))

Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:17 pm

we weighed one in the net it was 30lb ,then a couple were smaller and two bigger,much bigger id say 40-45 .we didnt weigh them as we didnt want to harm them with the make shift scales .im going to get a proper mat in which to lay them.the ones that we didnt bring into the boat were much bigger and easly snaped 30lb braid and some wire traceces when brought to the surface.