Dun laoghaire.

Sun Nov 04, 2007 6:31 pm

just dropped down to the warrior on the marina in Dun laoghaire to give it the once over instead of that we decided to give it a bash at the mouth of the harbour.We didn't have any gear as such but there are a couple of rods that we leave on the boat all the time,so we reached the mouth and done a few drifts, straight away on the second drift we hit a full house of macks each some of them where the size of a small tuna it was great crack.
over all after three hours we had
20 macks(on the pan now)
1 herring
6 nice whiting
2 codling
just goes to show the bit of calm weather keeps the few macks that are left stay just that little longer.The visability in the water was the best we have seen in a long time

Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:23 pm

hard to believe the mack are still around in nov

Sun Nov 04, 2007 10:43 pm

thanks for the macks had some for tea . they were full of herring fry

Mon Nov 05, 2007 12:11 am

good to hear they are still around brian.

hoping to get out in the boat on wednesday all going well might give the piers a shot for a few macks :D :D .

well done..........