
Fri Sep 07, 2007 7:43 pm

People: Me

Duration: 4-5 hours

Tide:falling - low - rising

Weather:Absolutely fantastic (and its about bloody time)

Bait:Feathers and small pirks

Rigs:As above

Results:More macks than I can remember as well as a load of good sized pollock, and one tiny pin whiting

Report:Fished out of Howth for a few hours today, it was more an excuse to get some much needed sunburn :) Had a ton of macks, and pollock, the biggest of these being just over 5lb. All the pollock were returned as were most of the macks, although I kept 10 for the freezer. The only problem were the resident seals out stealing macks from the hooks, more than once I thought I had hooked the mother of all fish only for my bubble to burst and find out a seal was to blame. All in all an enjoyable afternoon out on the water.


Sat Sep 08, 2007 1:44 pm

Nice one Matt.... good to hear of some decent size Pollock...

The seals can be a real pain.... I normally always fish 30lb braid there just so I don't get snapped off by them.... :evil:

I suppose they got to eat though.
