Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:43 pm

what do you mean did you say? I've never spoken to you or met you so how could i have said to you how many sharks i caught?

i recently landed a 70lb shark from the beach in heavy surf using 30lb reel line and it only took a few minutes. This is harder to do then from a boat. You are actually decreasing the chances of landing a really big one by putting 50lb or 60 lb on the reel in my humble opinion

Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:09 pm

jw wrote:what do you mean did you say? I've never spoken to you or met you so how could i have said to you how many sharks i caught?

i recently landed a 70lb shark from the beach in heavy surf using 30lb reel line and it only took a few minutes. This is harder to do then from a boat. You are actually decreasing the chances of landing a really big one by putting 50lb or 60 lb on the reel in my humble opinion

What's that NONE is it? :wink: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :oops: :oops:


Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:23 pm

well jim maybe you are right :lol:
i'll stick with the 30lb for a while anyway

Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:16 am

jw wrote:well jim maybe you are right :lol:
i'll stick with the 30lb for a while anyway

It will probably work just fine but be prepared to loose a big shark.

A charter skipper's son near me landed a blue on a spinning rod with 15lb line once, took him over 2.5 hours n he has it on video :wink: Mind you afterwards he said he never ever wanted to repeat it. He was on the boat with his friends so no others were put out by his fooling around.

Think of a blue as being an 8-10hp outboard motor but with attitude on the end of 200m of 30lb line and you will soon appreciate why 50-60lb line is best suited to the job.

If you try to boat a blue in a few minutes you will have most of the crew scrambling up the mast to get away from it. You need to tire one out first. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:02 pm

I think its all a matter of opinion to be honest, another charter skipper in Clare who probably catches as many blues as you do Jim has advised us to spool up with 30lb mono and 20-30lb class gear. I cant personally see how much more pressure you are physically going to be able to exert with 50 over 30 TBH and if your rubbing leader is long enough, why would you worry?

Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:10 pm

a Properly set up 30lb outfit, with the right technique will... in my opinion...
Land any Blue shark likely to be caught in Irish waters.
The biggest Blue I have caught was estimated at 120lb and took c. 20 mins to land.
on 50 to 60lb line you will never loose a Blue shark, and will land any within 30 mins again using the right gear and technique.
In the florida keys it's common to land tarpon up to 140lb on 12-20lb spinning tackle!
The biggest shark I have caught was a 225lb bull shark in 15' of water, and that took 22mins (according to the video) on a tld15 with 30lb ande, and a shimano exage 20-30lb class travel rod.
Having said all that, I have seen guys (and I worked on a courtmac shark boat in the 80's for a summer) take and hour to land a blue less than 100lb.... talk about tiring a fish till it was nearly dead..., conversly I saw a big dutch angler with a 9/0 penn loaded with 80lb line strike a blue around 60-70lb, and flip the fish over backwards, and then reel it straight to the boat... 2 minutes fight.. lol, and he was delighted.

Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:52 pm

Hi lads,
One thing is for sure, Its all down to personal preferance how you want to catch any fish!!
All of these posts are great advice, but i dont see many pictures of results!! lol, te he
If everyone got it right every time they went fishing , would'nt life be boring!
Its like guessing what kind of present to give to the " wife" to try and win her affection after spending another weekend away fishing!! sometimes chocolates work, another time it may need red roses, who knows, but the results can be completly different!
Well,as many people will be trying to bag a blue or a porgy in the next month, lets report, tackle type and time to boat!
It will be interesting to see how long it takes to get a porgy to the boat with light tackle, ( thats if there line has'nt perished lol)
good hunting