
Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:38 pm

Found a promising mark the week before last, near the Gunwell mark but a bit closer to Killybegs. About halfway between Killybegs and Carntullagh Head there is a small stony bay with a slipway in the middle, directly opposite Killybegs harbour, and I had three late-night sessions here, caught a 6lb conger, a 5lb huss, several LSDs and a common eel, all on mackerel, plus three aborted runs which I'm pretty sure were conger. It doesn't look much of a spot but the water is surprisingly deep 70 to 80 yards out beyond the inshore weed belt. I was fishing on the early ebb and there was masses of floating weed, so in better conditions I think it could be an excellent spot. While feathering for mackerel bait off the fish pier at Killybegs, I had a full house of four snatched by a seal just as I was lifting them out of the water. Hope the seal didn't suffer for his supper.