When: 16/04/2022
Where: Howth West Pier
Who: Myself
Duration: 22:30-00:30
High Water: 00:13
Equipment: 9ft Spinning Rod & 13ft Surf Rod
My Bait: Squid Jigs and peeler crab
Conditions: Full moon, windy but water relatively flat.
Result: 1 freshwater eel
Tried jigging for squid last night off Howth West Pier since there is a lot of light shining on the water there I thought it might be a decent spot to try. I remember when I started posting here, another member mentioned the blood moon in April as a marker for squid spawning cycle and that they had caught their years supply in 1 night down in Skerries. I've tried Skerries a good few times now with no luck so Howth was worth a shot this time! I stuck a peeler bait out as well just in case anything else was about. After jigging for nearly an hour with nothing happening, I checked my bait rod and it had a tiny freshwater eel on, tangling up my rig
After throwing the fish back I lobbed another bait out to the middle of the channel between the piers to see if anything bigger was about and got back to jigging. Another quiet hour went by so I packed up and was happy to have caught something at least
I'll eventually get a squid one of these days!
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