Landed out to find it flat calm around Low Water
Had collected some hardback crabs (and two peelers) from the usual spot en route. No other bait. Had intended to do a bit of pioneering with casting gear only but picked up the crabs as a backup. Fresh water run off along the cliffs made pioneering impossible, just filthy dangerous, so just as well I had some bait.
Weather very calm, no white caps, barely waves BUT water was FILTHY. Full of tiny bits of weed and sediment. Lots of fresh water. No visibility and everything came back with bits on it.
First cast took a nice mackerel on a big 35 g silver lure. Was fishing on a shortish Leeda rod (no idea when I bought it) which has a soft action (must use it on the boat) and it really pinged it out there.
In fact I found myself casting onto a "new" reef. Nothing followed. Surprised to pick one up at LW, water hoping for some pollack. Thinking this mark might be a LW mark after all.
Switched to whole crabs on a 1/0 circle hook 30 cms above a home made lead fished directly down into the weedy margin.
Several missed fish later, landed a decent if unremarkable male ballen wrasse, around 2 lbs, maybe 3 given the fat condition they are in...

Several more crabs "disappeared" off viciously fast bites.
Picked the biggest crab (that's what you get for trying to nip me, say 1.5 inches across) and hooked in through the leg joint.
To be honest the bait was so big relative to the hook, I didn't fancy my chances...
Stonking massive blue green wrasse hooked barely through the lip, definite specimen weight, massive lump of a thing.
Well pleased. The picture doesn't do it justice, it looked as fat as a carp. Massively thick.

Bizarrely, an hour into the tide, the wrasse fishing died a death and never recovered. Not a single bite, lost more crabs but ended up freeing half of them. Very odd.
Switched to casting some new lures, mostly metals and have a few smallish pollack, around the 500 grams mark before finally connecting with a decent fish around the 1-1.5 kilo mark.

Again the fishing lulled completely. Maybe it was how calm it was, or the weed and sediment or all the fresh water ... dunno but decidedly off session.
Picked up a final mackerel (small) nearly four hours into the fishing and decided to call it a day two hours short of HW and dusk on a 3.5 m tide.
Very unlike me give how rare it is I get out these days.
Picked up the takeaway on the way home to score some brownie points!
Nice session, not complaining, but think I will be switching now to the beaches.
Two notices: spotted someone fishing two beachcasters off a reef just past Mulranny (way too far 'inland' would be my guess out of an Irish car): they were gone on my return trip. Was that Joe Junior?
Met two English lads casting plugs for "mackerel" near Mulranny pier (who do they think they were fooling) which suggests there are definitely bass in the area. Hmnnn...