Credit where its due, Chuckaroo gets me off my lazy arse to go fishing.
He has wanted a stinger for a while so it was off to Kerry again - We had mixed results in July but a plan was hatched and off we went with endless hours planned
Chuck had his eye on a mark for some time with a grueling walk and scouted it out a number of days before i arrived - he fished it the day i was arriving and got an undulate and few dogs for his trouble
I was half relieved he didnt get a stinger - otherwise that walk would be on the cards again!!!
He gave the fluff chucking a go after with no joy and then i turned up - with a trade off on food and easy fishing versus - hard angling in wind and potentially rain
as it turned out the lazy option was good as we got nothing - an executive decision was made to hit a pub for last orders and i went off to a different bar than he suggested but in that solid irish tradition, chuck ended up there too
2 glorious pints and with the weather forecast deteriorationg chuck made the decision to have a lie in - he had 3 sessions under his belt and fish caught so the twitch wasnt there
me on the other hand it was up early - head into the SW gusts and pier fishing - alas another blank - but didnt get as drenched as i thought
The weather changed quickly in the afternoon and off to an estuary mark - crabs were well fed, but no fish again for 3 hours
then off to the stinger mark for night - and luckily for me about 2hours in i got my first undulate - only after 7 trips to kerry and god knows how many sessions at this stage
grand job i could rest easy - who cares about the stingers....well actually chuck does
so up again early and back to the same spot - two false alarm doggies for chuck - but no joy on the stinger front - another blank for me - theres always next year
anyways we decamped to a lovely delacatessan and had some great seas food and coffee and rejoined the non-angling world where mac stench is frowned upon
chuck had his 5 hours home and i took on the measly three
heres to the next trip - i must remember to look up from my bait prep - i miss all the lovely scenery
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