When: 10/08/2021
Where: North Dublin Bay
Who: Myself
Duration: 14:00-21:00
Low Water: 19:15
Equipment: 9ft Spinning rod & 11ft Bass rod
My Bait: Assortment of shallow dive plugs, metal pirks/jigs and feathers
Conditions: Overcast, breezy
Result: 1 micro pollock
At high tide this afternoon, I went to a spot where I had caught some mackerel this time last year, I was switching between feathering and spinning an orange 60g pirk. Roughly 2 hours into the ebb I had a nice take on the pirk, if I had to guess I would say it was probably a pollock or coalfish around 3-4lbs, but unfortunately it got off just as I nearly had it in.. So I kept going with that lure for another hour, but with nothing happening I packed up and went exploring the area to try and scout somewhere to fish over low tide with my shallow dive plugs. Found a nice spot that was shallow, rocky and weedy then got to it. At one stage I thought I had hit some seaweed but reeled in this tiny pollock that had tried to eat a lure twice it's size

I fished here for like 4 hours in different spots along that stretch to no avail, plenty of seals about though so maybe that's why there was no fish

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