Where: North Dublin
Who: Myself
Duration: 23:00-01:30
High Water: 00:46
Equipment: 13ft bass rod
My Bait: Peeler Crab & Squid
Conditions: Choppy & Windy
Result: 1 Dogfish, 1 Smooth Hound
Out for a quick session to use some leftover bait, after a few minutes had a dogfish, then around the tip of the tide had a tiny smooth hound, and just as I was about to head had a bigger smooth hound but it dropped off as I was lifting it out of the water.
Earlier in the day I was at Poolbeg float fishing with crab for wrasse as I had a corkwing down there last year, I was also feathering for mackerel but they don't seem to be in yet..
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