When: 26/06/2021
Where: Poulsallagh, Co. Clare
Who: Me
Duration: 14:30 - 21:00
High Water: 20:00
Equipment: Light lure rod and a bass rod for feathers
Conditions: Fairly calm, warm, cloudy, gusty north easterly
Result: 3 large pollock, good few small ones, 1 ballan wrasse
It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.
Arrived to find the whole place empty, lovely.
Early on lost a huge pollock trying to hoist it out of the water.
After that had a few failed hookups, thought it was going to be one of those days.
But it picked up. with 48cm, 51cm and 55cm pollocks coming out.
After struggling with the light rod I moved to the bass rod after losing another good fish.
On this I got an almighty take on a 60gr lure. Fought it to the surface and over to the rock ledge.
Double figure pollock, never had anything this big from the shore.
You know where this is going...
Couldnt get it out. Misjudged the weght of the thing and he bounced off the wall, out popped the hook and he was away.
I was planning on packing up just before this. Stayed for a few more hours hoping to find him again.
No luck, but I did get my first ballan wrasse.
Good day but that fish will haunt me. Still kicking myself.
It made my bass rod look like I was still on the 10-30gr rod.
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Last edited by jonney on Sun Jun 27, 2021 3:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.