Howth Rock Mark 22.06.2021

Tue Jun 22, 2021 11:47 pm

When: 22/06/2021
Where: Howth Rock Mark
Who: Myself
Duration: 18:30-23:00
High Water: 22:41
Equipment: 13ft bass rod pennel pulley rig and 11ft bass rod feathers & flappers.
My Bait: Peeler Crab & Feathers
Conditions: Overcast, little chop on the water
Result: 2 Pollock, 1 Coalfish

After getting weeded out of my favorite mark yesterday I thought it'd be a good idea to change it up a bit and hit a rock mark in Howth trying for pollock, coalies, mackerel, maybe a bull huss or a codling (probably not at this time of year but who knows). I had my big rod out a good distance with 2 peelers on the pulley rig, while feathering with the 11ft rod, I got 2 small pollock on the feathers then a coalie on the peeler shortly after. This all happening within the first hour of the session! After the coalie I had a few knocks but no hook ups. Plently of snags and lost gear but it was worth it to get something for the table and 2 points for the species hunt!



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