not much to report

Thu Jan 14, 2021 8:36 pm

a few chucks from the rocks today.


not much about and didnt find any fish quick!


third cast in on a 3 hook loop saw a few twitches on the tip and then nothing for a minute... it then leaned over slowly. fish hooked happy out! got him in after a bit of resistance in the swell. lightly hooked so not a bother on him. a quick picture and put him back.


i could have sworn he was making a face at me :shock:


after a bit of a wait the continental rod started hopping about as a whiting tried to make off with my tiny mackeral bait.


at just on 20cm hardly a monster but nice to get when things are quiet.


i had a miserable rattle on the distance rod on the last cast and reeled in to nothing. not the best fishing but grateful to be able to get at the sea for a little while.

Re: not much to report

Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:13 pm

I recognise that mark from your first picture! Might not be the best fishing, but it is fishing and it is catching. Not bad for " a few chucks" in daylight in a flat calm sea. Those fish look like they didn't really want to be measured, jumping off the ruler just as you take the pic.

Re: not much to report

Fri Jan 15, 2021 6:25 pm

i forced myself to put up a report under the presumption that some people have nothing better to do than read them. the measure is for scale rather than cm's. the cm's are only important when you are fishing with company :)

Re: not much to report

Fri Jan 15, 2021 6:37 pm

m.b3 wrote:i forced myself to put up a report under the presumption that some people have nothing better to do than read them. the measure is for scale rather than cm's. the cm's are only important when you are fishing with company :)

It's nice to see new reports, even if nothing was caught, they also become a nice resource for future anglers to look back on!

Re: not much to report

Sat Jan 16, 2021 11:32 am

i am happy to read others reports and dont post that many myself so i do feel a bit guilty about it...