Dunlaoghaire pier

Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:03 am

Went for a couple of hours fishing from dunlaoghaire harbour today as the tide was coming in, starting off I was looking for mackerel on feathers off the sea side of the pier, for an hour and a half there was nothing so I decided to throw out another rod with a float and some rag, it only hit the water and pulled out a small Pollock, I released him and sent it out again, shortly after the feathers got a bite and a 4mackerel came in after a short fight, minus the one who jumped ship last minute,
After that it was quiet so I decided to float the inside of the harbour in search of a wrasse, using rag on a size 4 hook I let my bait drift around at roughly 7 feet, minutes later a tiny whiting smaller than the rag was pulling my float along the top of the water, I unhooked him and sent him on his way, I still had my bait so I Threw the float back out again, within 60 seconds it was gone, pulled down tight to the harbour wall and after just a few twists on the reel I pulled up the wrasse I was after. I released him shortly after and content with the day of fishing I packed up and went on my way,

Next time I will be sure to add photographs of all the catches I just didn't think of it.

Re: Dunlaoghaire pier

Thu Aug 08, 2019 2:07 pm

Good to hear there are a few mackerel about! You shouldgive a mention of the macks in the mackerel shore reports too. Thanks for the report.

Re: Dunlaoghaire pier

Thu Aug 15, 2019 8:23 am

Nice report. well done.

Re: Dunlaoghaire pier

Thu Sep 05, 2019 6:38 pm
